AllenNeuralDynamics / aind-exaSPIM-pipeline-utils

ExaSPIM pipeline components primarily to be installed in Code Ocean capsules
MIT License
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exaSPIM pipeline utils

License Code Style

Code repository to be installed in exaSPIM processing capsules.


ImageJ wrapper module

The ImageJ wrapper module contains Fiji macro templates and wrapper code to automatically run interest point detection and interest point based registration in the Code Ocean capsule. This functionality is set as the main entry point of the package if the whole package is invoked on the command line or the aind_exaspim_pipeline command is run.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
cd ~/capsule
imagej_wrapper "$@"

N5 to Zarr converter

The N5 to zarr converter sets up a local dask cluster with multiple python processes as workers to read in an N5 dataset and write it out in a multiscale Zarr dataset. Both datasets may be local or directly on S3. AWS credentials must be available in the environment (Code Ocean credential assignment to environment variables).

This implementation is based on dask.array (da).

This command takes a manifest json file as the only command line argument or looks it up at the hard-wired data/manifest/exaspim_manifest.json location if not specified.

To set up a code ocean capsule, use the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
cd ~/capsule
n5tozarr_da_converter "$@"


To use the software, in the root directory, run

pip install -e .

To develop the code, run

pip install -e .[dev]

For n5tozarr and zarr multiscale conversion, install as

pip install -e .[n5tozarr]


Linters and testing

There are several libraries used to run linters, check documentation, and run tests.

coverage run -m unittest discover && coverage report
interrogate .

Pull requests

For internal members, please create a branch. For external members, please fork the repository and open a pull request from the fork. We'll primarily use Angular style for commit messages. Roughly, they should follow the pattern:

<type>(<scope>): <short summary>

where scope (optional) describes the packages affected by the code changes and type (mandatory) is one of:


To generate the rst files source files for documentation, run

sphinx-apidoc -o doc_template/source/ src 

Then to create the documentation HTML files, run

sphinx-build -b html doc_template/source/ doc_template/build/html

More info on sphinx installation can be found here.