Allied-Voices / alliedvoices

A web application to help people navigate their racial landscape. Check out our platform here:
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Allied Voices

This web app is intended to help users navigate their racial landscape through data and positive resources.

Tech Stack

We are building the front-end with React and deploying it to Netlify. Data is stored on Airtable.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this project and navigate to the project directory.

  2. Install dependencies: npm install. If you are using npm 7 +, use the --legacy-peer-deps flag.

  3. Install git hooks: npm run prepare. We are using Husky.

  4. Set environment variables in a .env file in the root directory of the project.



The Airtable API for this project provides these values.

  1. Run the dev server: npm run dev.


Staging will be redeployed any time a merge request is done on the staging branch.

Production will be redeployed any time a merge request is done on the master branch.