AlliumCepa / webgui

A free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet.
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The WebGUI8 Content Management System


WebGUI is a mature, feature rich Content Management System. It's written in Perl and licensed under the GNU GPL. Some features include:


Deploying a Docker Image is the easiest method.

The Source Install process should support any system that supports MariaDB or MySQL, has a semi-recent version of Perl, and is supported by the necessary system libraries (libgd, for example).

Docker Image

An experimental Docker image is available on Docker Hub:

XXX where are they?  Probably don't want to publish these under my name.  Create an org?

See for instructions on installing Docker.

Once Docker is installed, run these commands as root to start WebGUI:

docker pull scrottie/webgui8                    # XXX old image; new one may be at a different location
docker run -p 80:80 scrottie/webgui8:latest     # adding '-t -i' flags runs it interactively

If not run interactively, docker ps -l shows the last Docker container started, docker log <id> shows the output (which will be the plack process output for WebGUI), and docker stop <id> stops it.

Use docker stop <id> to stop the container and docker start <id> to start it again. docker ps -a shows all containers, including stopped ones.

Each time docker run is executed, a new, distinct, persistent copy of WebGUI's database and uploads will be created. Generally, you'll want to only one or a few containers, and then continue to re-start that same one or few. That way, changes you've made in the CMS are persisted.

See for more usage information, and for installation instructions for Windows and Mac OSX.

Please report problems and suggestions for improvements for that in the Docker ticket at or on

Source Installation

Use this manual installation from source for OSX, FreeBSD, and other systems, or for those who like to see exactly what is happening.

You'll need the system packages (dev or source installs of needed libraries) used by wG and the Perl modules wG uses. On Debian, at least the following system packages are needed:

apt-get install
   perl cpanminus libaspell-dev make libdbd-mysql-perl libdigest-perl-md5-perl libxml-simple-perl \
   libmodule-install-perl gcc libperl-dev libmysql++-dev libpng-dev build-essential libgd-dev mariadb-client

This assumes that your site is "". If it's something else, change the commands to match.

Generic source install instructions:

More detailed (but less well maintained) instructions are in docs/install.txt.

To start WebGUI

To test or develop:

See docs/install.txt for more detailed installation instructions.

A production site or a dev site that tests sending email or workflows will also need the spectre daemon running.

A proxy server such as nginx or Apache configured to proxy is highly recommended for production sites. The proxy server should serve /extras and /uploads and pass everything else to the plack server process. See docs/install.txt for a recommended plack configuration for production.

Using WebGUI

Developing Applications on top of WebGUI

Community Process

We welcome contributions.

Where things are at:

If you connect to IRC, please be patient. If you're not able to wait for a response, please consider email instead.

As a general rule, if you're fixing a bug mentioned in, discuss it at If you're adding a new feature or want to talk about the community process itself, discuss it on

If you're adding a new feature, improving wG, or fixing bugs, please fork

There are plenty of ways to help:

Fork, make changes in master or in a branch, commit them, push them up, and then use github to send a "pull request". If the request is accepted, your code goes into

Here are some specific tasks to be done:

Rules and process:

The Request Cycle

This needs to be moved to a design document.