Alogani / NimGo

Asynchronous Library Inspired by Go's goroutines, for Nim
MIT License
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NimGo: Asynchronous Library Inspired by Go's Asyncio. Or for Purists: Stackful Coroutines library associated with an I/O Event Loop and Dispatcher

This repository is currently an alpha release. Breaking change and API redesign won't be avoided.


Provide a simple, concise and efficient library for I/O.

No async/await, no pragma, no Future[T] everywhere !

Only one word to remember : goAsync (and optionaly wait, but seriously who needs that ?)

Current state

All working features can be found here.

For now, NimGo is a single-threaded library. On Araq's advice (and maybe it's help), NimGo will be transformed towards a multi-threaded library (like Golang). This specific transformation has its own roadmap that can be found here.


Full documentation can be browsered here. The documentation is still under construction.


They are welcomed and any help is valuable. A code of contribution can be found here.


The following working example will give you an idea of how NimGo works and how to use it.

# Depending on your OS, the following example might not yet work
import nimgo, nimgo/gofile

let MyFilePath = currentSourcePath()

## # Basic I/O
proc readAndPrint(file: GoFile) =
  # readAndPrint will be suspended until file.readLine return
  echo "MYLINE=", file.readLine()
  # file.readAll will be registered in dispatcher. readAndPrint can continue its execution
  var readTask: GoTask[string] = goAsync file.readAll()
  # we decide finally to get its data
  # readAndPrint will be suspended until readTask is finished
  echo "UNREADLENGTH=", (wait readTask).len()

  var myFile = openGoFile(MyFilePath)
  goAndWait readAndPrint(myFile)
  echo "I'm not waiting for readAndPrint to finish !"
  echo "But `withEventLoop` ensures all registered tasks are executed"

## # Coroutines communication

## ## Returning a value:
  proc getFirstLine(f: GoFile): string =
  var myFile = openGoFile(MyFilePath)
  echo "MYLINE=", goAndWait getFirstLine(myFile)

## ## With closures:
proc main() =
  # Any GC value can be shared between coroutines
  var sharedData: string
  ## We have to use wait, otherwise sharedData will not be updated yet
  goAndWait proc() =
    sharedData = "Inside the coroutine"
  echo sharedData

## # Unordered execution

proc printInDesorder(sleepTimeMs: int) =
  echo "> I woke up after ", sleepTimeMs, "ms"

  echo "Batch 1"
  goAsync printInDesorder(200)
  goAsync printInDesorder(100)
  goAsync printInDesorder(50)
# Or using waitAll
echo "Batch 2"
waitAll @[
  goAsync printInDesorder(110),
  goAsync printInDesorder(220),
  goAsync printInDesorder(60),

## Timeout
goAndWait proc() =
  echo "Please input from stdin: "
  var data = goStdin.readChunk(timeoutMs = 500)
  if data.len() == 0:
    echo "> Too late"
    echo "> So fast, you have succesfully written: ", data

Here are the place wher eyou can find more examples:

Quicktour of the modules

Certainly! The NimGo library consists of the following key modules:

Most users will primarily interact with the higher-level modules like nimgo, nimgo/gofile, nimgo/gonet, and nimgo/public/gotasks, while the lower-level modules (nimgo/coroutines and nimgo/eventdispatcher) are intended for more advanced use cases.


What do Araq thinks of it ?

"Looks nice and has good ideas. But what's the benefit of this over just using threads? Coorperative scheduling is bug-prone much like multi-threading is IMHO without its performance benefits." from Araq, creator of Nim language and its main developper, 07/06/2024

How does it work ?

If you are interested to know more about NimGo and Coroutines, you can check the wiki !

NimGo seems to have a high memory usage ?

NimGo coroutines use a lot of virtual memory, but not much actual physical memory (RAM).

Here's why:

The virtual memory usage may look high, but the actual RAM usage is much lower. This design doesn't prevent other programs from running. You can see the real memory usage by NimGo by looking at RESIDENT (RES) memory in the top command.