This component will handle backend functionality related to Access Management
The fastest way to get development going is to open the main solution Altinn.AccessManagement.sln and selecting 'Altinn.AccessManagement' as the start up project from Visual Studio. Browser should open automatically to the swagger ui for the API.
with dotnet run
or dotnet watch
This is a typical backend API solution written in .NET C#.
The main back end project is in /src/Altinn.Authorizationadmin
and it has its own README
There is also a "bridge" between the back end and older APIs. For local development, this is implemented in /development/src/LocalBridge
To run Access Management locally you need to have PostgreSQL database installed
Create database authorizationdb
Create the following users (with priveliges for authorizationdb) -platform_authorization_admin (superuser, canlogin) -platform_authorization (canlogin) password: Password
Create schema delegations in authorizationdb
Set platform_authorization_admin as owner