Altinn / altinn-events

Altinn platform microservice for handling events
MIT License
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Altinn Events

Create and subscribe to events from apps or other sources. Documentation:

Build status

Events build status

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the events component up and running on your machine for development and testing purposes.


  1. .NET 8.0 SDK
  2. Newest Git
  3. A code editor - we like Visual Studio Code
  4. Podman or another container tool such as Docker Desktop
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. pgAdmin
  7. Install Azurite
  8. Install Azure Functions Core Tool

Setting up PostgreSQL

Ensure that both PostgreSQL and pgAdmin have been installed and start pgAdmin.

In pgAdmin

A more detailed description of the database setup is available in our developer handbook

Cloning the application

Clone Altinn Events repo and navigate to the folder.

git clone
cd altinn-events

Running the application in a docker container

The events solution is now available locally at http://localhost:5080/. To access swagger use http://localhost:5080/swagger.

Running the application with .NET

The Events components can be run locally when developing/debugging. Follow the install steps above if this has not already been done.

The events solution is now available locally at http://localhost:5080/. To access swagger use http://localhost:5080/swagger.

Running functions

Start Altinn Events Functions

cd src/Altinn.Events.Functions
func start