ImageViewer is a WIP C# .NET Windows Form used for displaying images, it is intended for displaying a large collection of images in a random order. It also supports videos.
This project was made because I wanted an ultra-lightweight image viewing software that had certain features.
This has not been tested extensively, certain things may cause critical exceptions to be thrown. If you find one that you cannot fix, create an issue.
If a video or gif fails to load, it's most likely an issue with the axWindowsMediaPlayer, and cannot be resolved. Sorry!
This project is quite hard to work with, and may be rewritten at some point in the near future
This project does not have a release download, if you wish to use it before release please build it yourself. If you wish to help the development process feel free to fix some issues and open a pull request.
This is a project that I have worked on-and-off for the last year or so, it was never intended for public use but I changed my mind. Some things may not work as you may expect, I do not have a UX designer on hand.
Not all packages in packages.config are still required in this version, however removing them from the config can cause issues.