Alvi-alvarez / sd-Img2img-batch-interrogator

Img2img batch interrogator for AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion web UI
MIT License
18 stars 3 forks source link

Img2img batch interrogator for A1111

script that runs the interrogator before processing each image


Help Doc

For the script to run, make sure that script checkbox is checked and a interrogator is selected.

[Interrogation Model(s)]: The interrogators will run in the order of user selection.

[CLIP (EXT)]: If user does not have a installed, and enabled version of clip-interrogator-ext, then CLIP (EXT) will not appear in the interrogator selection dropdown menu.

[WD (EXT)]: If user does not have a installed, and enabled version of stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger, then WD (EXT) will not appear in the interrogator selection dropdown menu.

[Interrogator results position]: User can determine if the interrogation result is positioned at the beginning or end of the prompt.

CLIP EXT Options

This menu will only appear if CLIP (EXT) is selected.

[CLIP Extension Model(s)]: Users may select multiple interrogation models, interrogators will run in the order of user selection.

[CLIP Extension Mode]: User may select what mode the CLIP extention interrogator will run in: best, fast, classic, or negative

[Unload CLIP Interrogator After Use]: User has the option to keep interrogators loaded or have interrogators unloaded at the end of each interrogation.

[Unload All CLIP Interrogators]: User has the ability to unload all CLIP interrogation models by pressing the Unload All CLIP Interrogators button.

WD EXT Options

This menu will only appear if WD (EXT) is selected.

[WD Extension Model(s)]: Users may select multiple tagger models, taggers will run in the order of user selection.

[Tag Sensitivity Threshold]: Tagger models will use threshold to determine if a suspected tag should be applied. Tags that do not meet the threshold will not be applied.

[Remove Underscores from Tags]: User has the option to remove underscores from tags. The models inherently have underscores between words instead of spaces, this option replaces underscores with spaces.

[Append Interpreted Rating(s)]: User has the option to append the rating to each interrogation.

[Unload Tagger After Use]: User has the option to keep taggers loaded or have taggers unloaded at the end of each interrogation.

[Unload All Tagger Models]: User has the ability to unload all tagger models by pressing the Unload All Tagger Models button.

Filtering Tools

Users have the ability to filter content out of the interrogation prompts.

Experimental Tools

A bunch of tools that were added that are helpful with understanding the script, or offer greater variety with interrogation output.

To Do