AmadeusloveIris / GraphNovo

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Mitigating the missing fragmentation problem in de novo peptide sequencing with a two stage graph-based deep learning model

Author: Zeping Mao(, Ruixue Zhang(

Data repository:


This project uses hydra to manage configure file and use wandb to visiualize training step. If you are not familiar with them, please go to: and & Biases).

Hardware Requirement

For model training, we suggests utilizing an 80GB A100 GPU.

For model inferencing, our tests have shown that most spectra perform well under 16GB V100 GPU. Too large spectrum will lead to OOM error and we recommend using a GPU with higher memory or performing inferencing on a CPU with enough RAM instead.

In case you plan to build a graph from scratch, ensure that you have access to a server with over 500GB of RAM.


For envrionment prepare, please use conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml

First build cython modules and all possible peptide mass(within 1000 Da) rainbow table.


Before your first time using, you need to set up wandb account. For details about how to set up a wandb account, please read:


If you want to use constructed graph to train from scrach, you need to use following command: (we assume that you download data under GraphNovo file fold. If not, please adjust path by yourself.)

python serialized_model_path=save/ckpt dist=false task=optimal_path train_spec_header_path=training_dataset/preprocessed/training_dataset.csv eval_spec_header_path=validation_dataset/preprocessed/validation_dataset.csv train_dataset_dir=training_dataset/preprocessed/ eval_dataset_dir=validation_dataset/preprocessed/ wandb.project=GraphNovo

For 'task' argument, you can choose 'optimal_path' or 'sequence_generation'. Use 'optimal_path' will train a GraphNovo_PathSearcher and 'sequence_generation' will train GraphNovo_SeqFiller.

By the way, if you want to train model on multiple GPUs. Please use:

torchrun --<other arguments for torchrun> <some path> dist=True <other argument>

Persistent model is named as _. If you want to use anathor name, please remember to change these arguments.



Please make a directory of 'graphnovo_data' and 'prediction'. Download 'overall' or 'barrier' data under the directory 'graphnovo_data'. All prediction will be saved under 'prediction'. Test set can be 'A_Thaliana' for A. thaliana, 'C_Elegans' for C. elegans, or 'E_Coli' for E. coli.

To generate optimal path of A. thaliana, please use:

python mode=inference serialized_model_path=save/ckpt dist=false infer=optimal_path_inference task=optimal_path wandb.project=GraphNovo infer.beam_size=20 infer.testset=A_Thaliana infer.output_file=prediction/optimal_path/A_Thaliana_beam20_sum.csv infer.data_dir=graphnovo_data/overall

The predicted optimal path will be stored under './prediction/optimal_path'. wandb.project and should be consistent with the training setting to use the correct checkpoint.


To generate the final prediction of peptide sequence of A. thaliana, please use:

python mode=inference serialized_model_path=save/ckpt dist=false infer=sequence_generation_inference task=sequence_generation wandb.project=GraphNovo infer.beam_size=20 infer.testset=A_Thaliana infer.optimal_path_file=prediction/optimal_path/A_Thaliana_beam20_sum.csv infer.output_file=prediction/sequence_generation/A_Thaliana_beam20_sum_beam20_sum.csv infer.data_dir=graphnovo_data/overall

The predicted peptide sequence is generated along the optimal path saved in 'prediction/optimal_path/A_Thaliana_beam20_sum.csv' for this example. The final result is saved under 'prediction/sequence_generation'.

Out Of Memory Warning

During the inference process, you might encounter warnings such as:

WARNING: <idx> ran out of memory. Please run it on device with enough memory

This alert suggests that the spectrum identified by \<idx> is too extensive to fit into the device memory. Essentially, you are required to carry out the inference on a device that possesses adequate memory. Typically, this would mean using a CPU with a memory capacity of 150 Gb or a GPU with 80 Gb memory.

For reprocessing those spectra, the simplest method involves executing the same command with a specific device name. The rest of the spectra will automatically be appended to the output file. For example:

python <same argument> infer.device='cpu'

Graph Construction

For graph construction, please prepare 50G memory per thread. If you want to construct the graph, please remember to put csv file(psm header) and mgf file to the same folder.

cd genova/utils
sh <total_threads> <data_path> <psm header name without 'csv'>

After all graph_constructor finished, constructed graph will be stored at same location as 'data_path'. Remember to concat all generated csv files.