Aman-Malhotra / animate_icons

Use this plugin to animate any two icons like built in AnimatedIcons
MIT License
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animate icon issue #10

Closed Kotlin-GDE closed 3 years ago

Kotlin-GDE commented 3 years ago


'package:flutter/src/material/tooltip.dart': Failed assertion: line 65 pos 15: 'message != null': is not true.

i use the latest version

luckyrat commented 3 years ago

The documentation is out of date. You now have to also define startTooltip and endTooltip properties.

Aman-Malhotra commented 3 years ago

startTooltip or endTooltip are optional parameters to the AnimateIcons widget and if not passed the widget will still work the same. I am closing this, you can comment and let know if this still persists.