Aman-Malhotra / animate_icons

Use this plugin to animate any two icons like built in AnimatedIcons
MIT License
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Animate Any two icons with this plugin


How to use:

All plugin in your pubspec.yaml


Make the import:

import 'package:animate_icons/animate_icons.dart';

Use the following widget:

    startIcon: Icons.add_circle,
    endIcon: Icons.add_circle_outline,
    size: 100.0,
    controller: controller,
    // add this tooltip for the start icon
    startTooltip: 'Icons.add_circle',
    // add this tooltip for the end icon
    endTooltip: 'Icons.add_circle_outline',
    size: 60.0,
    onStartIconPress: () {
        print("Clicked on Add Icon");
        return true;
    onEndIconPress: () {
        print("Clicked on Close Icon");
        return true;
    duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
    startIconColor: Colors.deepPurple,
    endIconColor: Colors.deepOrange,
    clockwise: false,

Use AnimateIconController

Define AnimateIconController to animate b/w start and end icons without onIco press, check which icon is there on top - start or end.

Define AnimateIconController

AnimateIconController controller;

Initialize controller

controller = AnimateIconController();

Pass controller to widget

    startIcon: Icons.add,
    endIcon: Icons.close,
    controller: controller, 
    size: 60.0,
    onStartIconPress: () {
        print("Clicked on Add Icon");
        return true;
    onEndIconPress: () {
        print("Clicked on Close Icon");
        return true;
    duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
    startIconColor: Colors.deepPurple,
    endIconColor: Colors.deepOrange,
    clockwise: false,

Use controller functions

if (controller.isStart()) {
} else if (controller.isEnd()) {