Aman-Malhotra / animate_icons

Use this plugin to animate any two icons like built in AnimatedIcons
MIT License
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LateInitializationError: Field 'isStart' has not been initialized. #13

Open MiroLiebschner opened 3 years ago

MiroLiebschner commented 3 years ago

Hello, first of all nice package. I have a problem with using the controller, the Exception LateInitializationError: Field 'isStart' has not been initialized. is thrown.

class CustomAnimateIcons extends StatefulWidget {
  Exercise exercise;


  _CustomAnimateIconsState createState() =>

class _CustomAnimateIconsState extends State<CustomAnimateIcons> {
  AnimateIconController controller = AnimateIconController();
  Exercise exercise;


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    ExerciseProvider exerciseProvider = Provider.of(context);
    List<Exercise> exerciseList = exerciseProvider.exercises;
    bool isExerciseAlreadyAdded = false;
    // Checks if an exercise with the exercise Id exists in the list
    if ((exerciseList.singleWhere((it) => ==,
            orElse: () => null)) !=
        null) {
      isExerciseAlreadyAdded = true;

    if (controller.isStart() && !isExerciseAlreadyAdded) {
    } else if (controller.isEnd() && isExerciseAlreadyAdded) {

    return AnimateIcons(
      startIcon: Icons.add,
      endIcon: Icons.delete_outline,
      controller: controller,
      size: 30.0,
      onStartIconPress: () {
        return true;
      onEndIconPress: () {
        return true;
      duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
      startIconColor: AppColors.white,
      endIconColor: AppColors.white,
      clockwise: true,

Maybe I did something wrong? One thing I wonder is why there is no dispose() method for the controller? Cheers, Miro

EDIT: I just checked the example again and realized there is a late keyword. So it seems to be my fault by using the package wrong. But I still can't use the package as late seems to come with null-safety and not all packages in my app are migrated yet :/ Any other way for me to use the package?

luca-colazzo commented 2 years ago

This package is discontinued, so I made another one that does the same things as this one. Feel free to have a look at it and use it. I will make what's possible to fix any issue (and also I'm looking for a mantainer) Github repository