Aman-US-Punjabi / FireBase-Auth-AmanGarry

To use FireBase Auth in Vapor by verifing Firebase ID Token
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ExecutableTestCode.swift is having code to test, have to add Firebase Project Id and Token to test.


  1. Save Expiration time of token in storage and retieve that, so that each instance of middleware can use that, Currently middleware fetchPublicKeys funcation is making HTTP request each time a new instance of middleware is called.

How to use :-

  1. add this line to your Package.json (dependencies) :

.Package(url: "", Version(0,2,2))

  1. Congifure the provider in your Config+Setup.swift file : /// Configure providers private func setupProviders() throws { try addProvider(FirebaseAuthAmanGarry.Provider.self) }

  2. Add the middleware to your routes

//------------------- API ---------------------- let api = grouped("api")

//------------------- API-V1 ------------------- let v1 = api.grouped("v1")

let demo = FirebaseAuthMiddleware(with: self.firebaseProjectId!)

let secureDemo = v1.grouped(demo)

secureDemo.get("hello") { req in var json = JSON() try json.set("hello", "world") return json }