Aman22sharma / Hacktoberfest2023-beginner

Hacktoberfest 2023 repository (This repo is for absolute beginner)
MIT License
10 stars 28 forks source link
begginers goodfirstissue hacktoberfest hacktoberfest2023 javascript opensource

Hacktoberfest000010 Repo for Beginner

HF2020 Events 1600x400 Centered

- Follow the Contribution guidelines**
Repo Maintainer
## How You Can Contribute to this repo Adding to follow for JavaScript Concepts is below under `Format` 1. Add your JavaScript Concepts in the respective `JavaScript-Learn` directory ### Name of File: JavaScript-concept-name_yourusername.js ```markdown example: hello_world_Aman22sharma.js example: Variables_yourusername.js example: Data-types_Aman22sharma.js ``` ### Name of File: JavaScript-concept-name_yourusername.js # Format ### * JavaScript-Learn ### Name of File: javascript-concept-name_yourusername.js ```markdown AUTHOR: Your Name JavaScript Concept: (ex: variable,datatypes etc) GITHUB: your github profile link Add your JavaScript concept below ```

Aman Sharma
Software Engineer
@Bizdata Inc, Banglore (India)

Make a Pull Request for your changes and wait to be merged.

How to Begin

0. Star this repository

Copy of Colorful Neon Marble Gaming YouTube Channel Art (1)

1. Fork this repository

Copy of Colorful Neon Marble Gaming YouTube Channel Art

2. Clone this repo to your local environment

Copy of Colorful Neon Marble Gaming YouTube Channel Art (2)

git clone
cd Hacktoberfest2023-beginner

3. Set your streams (For sync your clone with the original repo)

git remote add upstream
git pull upstream master

4. Make your addition to the javaScript concepts in javaScript-Learn directories

5. Create a branch

git checkout -b your-branch-name

6. Pull from the upstream again (This is to ensure we still have the latest code)

git pull upstream master

7. Commit and Push your changes

git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin your-branch-name

Happy hacktoberfest
