AmirZaghloul / Liver-Tumor-Segmentation-using-CNNs

Deep Convolutinal NN for Liver Tumor Segmentation in CT Scans
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Liver Tumors Segmentation-CNNs

This project segments tumors in the Liver using 2 cascaded CNNs. We use 3D-IRCADb 01 as our dataset. View the Thesis for more details about the model, dataset, methodology and results.

There are 3 notebooks in this project

There is the models directories which contains the trained models


I used Anaconda for package management but pip will work all the same

Dataset Structure

The structure of the dataset should be as follows ( if you don't want to change the code :grinning: )

|_ patients               # Contains all the CT-slices from all patients together with no directories inside
|_ masks                  # Contains the masks for the Liver and Tumors for the patients
   |_ merged_livertumors  # Contains the masks of tumors after merging each slice's tumor masks together
   |_ 1.1_liver           # Contains the mask for the liver of each slice for patient 1
   |_ 1.2_liver           # Contains the mask for the liver of each slice for patient 2
   |_ 1.3_liver           # Contains the mask for the liver of each slice for patient 3
   |_ 1.20_liver          # Contains the mask for the liver of each slice for patient 20