Litmus test your application without learning curves
Testing as they say "can show presence of bugs, and not their absence".
However, we can try to eliminate bugs if we are able to let the stakeholders participate in probing for evidences of bugs. Each stakeholder, be it the developer or the analyst or the product manager or the end user or the tester & so on bring their own set of scenarios that can have a snowball effect in finding bugs that might be hidden deep underneath.
sudo docker build . -t openebs/litmus:latest
sudo docker push openebs/litmus:latest
$ kubectl apply -f tests/openebs/openebs-operator-v0.5.3.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f tests/openebs/openebs-storage-classes-v0.5.3.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./hack/rbac.yaml
# ensure a multi-node kubernetes cluster
# ensure openebs operator is deployed
sh tests/minio/high_availability/
# check the results
$ kubectl -n litmus pods -a --selector=test=ha-on-minio
$ kubectl -n litmus logs <job pod name>
# tear down
sh tests/minio/high_availability/
$ kubectl get pod -a
$ kubectl logs <recent_pod_that_errored_out>
$ sudo docker run -w /go/src/ -it openebs/litmus:latest godog e2e.feature