Amitai88 / miRmedon

Confident detection of A-to-I miRNA editing events in small-RNA seq data
MIT License
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Confident detection of A-to-I miRNA editing events in small-RNA seq data


miRmedon is a framework for miRNA editing detetion which takes fastq file of trimmed small-RNA reads, and reports A-to-I editing events detected in the data. In addition, miRmedon reports read counts and sequence of both edited and non-edited miRNAs. miRmedon require several extrenal softwares and python libraries, as descirbed below.

For detailed description and results on miRNA detection in the human brain please refer to


No installation is required for miRmedon. Please directly use source file and make sure it is located within the
same directory as miRmedon_src directory.


External softwares:

Python libraries:

Reference genome and transcriptome:


Parameters \ miRmedon takes the following parameters:

-f - path to fastq file
-star – path to STAR 
-samtools – path to samtools
-mafft – path to mafft 
-seqmap – path to seqmap
-bowtie – path to bowtie
-G – path to GRCh38.p12 fasta file or GRCh38.p12 Bowtie index
-T – path to gencode.v31.transcripts fasta file or gencode.v31.transcripts Bowtie index
-t – number of threads to run STAR
-s – number of soft-clipped bases threshold (default = 2)
-x – total number of modifications (soft-clipping and mismatches) threshold (default = 3)
-c – read counts threshold (default = 10)
-r – number of resamples for Monte-Carlo p-value estimation (default = 10000)


Command line examples

In order to apply miRmedon with default paramters and Bowtie, use the following command line example:

python3 -f path_to_fastq_file -star path_to_star -t number_of_threads -samtools path_to_samtools
-mafft path_to_mafft -bowtie path_to_bowtie -G path_to_GRCh38.p12.genome_bowtie_index -T path_to_bowtie_gencode.v31.transcripts_bowtie_index

In order to apply miRmedon with default paramters and Seqmap, use the following command line example:

python3 -f path_to_fastq_file -star path_to_star -t number_of_threads -samtools path_to_samtools
-mafft path_to_mafft -seqmap path_to_seqmap -G path_to_GRCh38.p12.genome.fa -T path_to_gencode.v31.transcripts.fa


miRmedon will generate two tab-delimited report files:


Please contact me with regard to any problem or suggestion at