I am using replxx for an internal tool (which I hope to open source at some point) and am putting together a Tap for homebrew (private for now). Replxx is the only lib I'm using that doesn't have a homebrew formula. Homebrew is the most common way to install open-source libs on a Mac. Would you be interested in working with me to submit a formula for replxx?
Here is what works in my private tap that can be used (with some modification) as a baseline for a submitted formula:
require "formula"
class Replxx < Formula
desc "A small, portable GNU readline replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. Unlike GNU readline, which is GPL, this library uses a BSD license and can be used in any kind of program."
homepage "https://github.com/AmokHuginnsson/replxx"
# # Use this once github releases are made
# url "https://github.com/AmokHuginnsson/replxx/archive/refs/tags/release-0.0.4.tar.gz", :using => GitHubPrivateRepositoryReleaseDownloadStrategy
url "git@github.com:AmokHuginnsson/replxx.git", :using => :git, :tag => 'release-0.0.4'
license "BSD 3-Clause"
version "0.0.4"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
def install
mkdir "build" do
# std_cmake_args already includes build=release, testing=off
system "cmake", "..", *std_cmake_args
system "make"
system "make", "install"
I am using replxx for an internal tool (which I hope to open source at some point) and am putting together a Tap for homebrew (private for now). Replxx is the only lib I'm using that doesn't have a homebrew formula. Homebrew is the most common way to install open-source libs on a Mac. Would you be interested in working with me to submit a formula for replxx?
I have never contributed a "core" formula but the instructions seem clear: https://docs.brew.sh/Formula-Cookbook
Here is what works in my private tap that can be used (with some modification) as a baseline for a submitted formula: