AmokHuginnsson / replxx

A readline and libedit replacement that supports UTF-8, syntax highlighting, hints and Windows and is BSD licensed.
690 stars 107 forks source link
ansi gnu-readline libedit linenoise multiplatform readline syntax-highlighting utf-8

Read Evaluate Print Loop ++


Build Status

A small, portable GNU readline replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS which is capable of handling UTF-8 characters. Unlike GNU readline, which is GPL, this library uses a BSD license and can be used in any kind of program.


This replxx implementation is based on the work by ArangoDB Team and Salvatore Sanfilippo and 10gen Inc. The goal is to create a zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement usable in Apache2 or BSD licensed programs.



To build this library, you will need a C++11-enabled compiler and some recent version of CMake.

Build instructions


  1. Create a build directory
mkdir -p build && cd build
  1. Build the library
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make
  1. Install the library at the default target location
sudo make install

The default installation location can be adjusted by setting the DESTDIR variable when invoking make install:

make DESTDIR=/tmp install


  1. Create a build directory in MS-DOS command prompt
md build
cd build
  1. Generate Visual Studio solution file with cmake
  1. Open the generated file replxx.sln in the build subdirectory with Visual Studio.

Tested with...

Please test it everywhere you can and report back!