AmorntipPrayoonwong / Learning-to-Index-for-Nearest-Neighbor-Search

Learning to Index for Nearest Neighbor Search
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Chih-Yi Chiu, Member, IEEE, Amorntip Prayoonwong, and Yin-Chih Liao


In this study, we present a novel ranking model based on learning the nearest neighbor relationships embedded in the index space. Given a query point, a conventional nearest neighbor search approach calculates the distances to the cluster centroids, before ranking the clusters from near to far based on the distances. The data indexed in the top-ranked clusters are retrieved and treated as the nearest neighbor candidates for the query. However, the loss of quantization between the data and cluster centroids will inevitably harm the search accuracy. To address this problem, the proposed model ranks clusters based on their nearest neighbor probabilities rather than the query-centroid distances to the query. The nearest neighbor probabilities are estimated by employing neural networks to characterize the neighborhood relationships as a nonlinear function, i.e., the density distribution of nearest neighbors with respect to the query. The proposed probability-based ranking model can replace the conventional distance-based ranking model as a coarse filter for candidate clusters, and the nearest neighbor probability can be used to determine the data quantity to be retrieved from the candidate cluster. Our experimental results demonstrated that implementation of the proposed ranking model for two state-of-the-art nearest neighbor quantization and search methods could boost the search performance effectively in billion-scale datasets.

Index Terms—cluster reranking, hash-based indexing, nearest neighbor distribution probability, optimized product quantization, residual vector quantization.

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The 1000 NNs in the ground truth of DEEP1B

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Source Code

Our source codes and data for SIFT1B RVQ 4096x4096 is available at:

These codes are in the coarse search process. We simulate how to retrieve the candidate second-level clusters for SIFT1B RVQ before performing the ADC. Then, we calculate the top-1 recall along with the candidate second-level clusters.

Only source codes are also provided here : The main procedure :

The sub procedures are in the library folder lib :

Preprocessing & Learning code examples can be downloaded from:

IVF file is available to download from: