AmpersandJS /

Hand-picked tools for building ampersand apps. A grab bag of "solved problems" for single page apps.
MIT License
11 stars 2 forks source link

A curated set of clientside modules that represent "solved problems" for npm-listed clientside modules that closely follow the philosophy of ampersand.

If you need something that ampersand doesn't do, odds are good that there's something here that may.

for more info

Check out and follow @HenrikJoreteg on twitter.


For some reason github doesn't always trigger rebuilds of gh-pages when pushed. If it doesn't work, make sure you ran node build, change something else, and push it again. Hopefully they fix this issue soon.


  1. Edit the modules section of package.json with npm name of all modules you want to include.
  2. Run npm run fetch to make the API calls to npm registry to fetch info, which then gets written to clientapp/fixtures/repos.json.
  3. Run npm run build to generate new built file.
  4. commit and push to the gh-pages branch (which is the main branch) to update the actual site.

(there's also a yolo script that fetches then builds)