Amphore-Dev / Architect

CLI to generate files and folders from templates
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This project is an npm CLI package designed to generate folders and files based on predefined blueprints and builders. It supports multiple file formats and configurations for different environments such as React, Vue, Angular, PHP, and more.


To install this package, use the following command:

npm install @amphore-dev/architect --global


To generate something, run the following command:

architect <type> <name>


architect molecule MyComponent

CLI Options


The CLI requires a configuration file that defines the structure and blueprint for file generation. The configuration file should be named architect.config.json and placed in the root directory of the project.

Configuration File

Key Type Description
outputDir string The root directory where files should be generated.
language string The language of the project. (e.g., TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, etc.)
structure object The structure of the project.
blueprints string[] Relative paths of blueprints for generating files.
builders string[] Relative paths of builders for constructing the file and folder structure.
options object Additional options for the CLI.
defaultStructureItem object Default options for each structure item.
plugins array Additional plugins for the CLI.

Here is an example configuration file in JSON format:

    "outputDir": "src",
    "blueprints": ["architect/blueprints"],
    "builders": ["architect/builders"],
    "defaultStructureItem": {
        "caseFormat": "pascal"
    "plugins": ["@amphore-dev/architect-plugin-react"],
    "language": "react-typescript",
    "structure": {
        "components": {
            "type": "component",
            "subdirs": {
                "atoms": "atom",
                "molecules": "molecule",
                "organisms": "organism",
                "templates": "template"
            "generateSubdirs": true,
            "generateSubIndex": true
        "pages": {
            "type": "page",
            "generateIndex": true,
            "generateSubdirs": true
        "utils": {
            "type": "util",
            "prefix": "U",
            "generateIndex": true
        "constants": {
            "type": "constant",
            "prefix": "C",
            "caseFormat": {
                "name": "snake-upper"
            "generateIndex": true
        "types": {
            "type": "type",
            "prefix": "T"
        "hooks": {
            "type": "hook",
            "prefix": "use"

this configuration file will generate files and folders in the following structure:

├── components/
│   ├── Atoms/
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── MyAtom/
│   │       └── MyAtom.tsx
│   │
│   ├── Molecules/
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── MyMolecule/
│   │       └── MyMolecule.tsx
│   │
│   ├── Organisms/
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── MyOrganism/
│   │       └── MyOrganism.tsx
│   │
│   ├── Templates/
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── MyTemplate/
│       └── MyTemplate.tsx
├── pages/
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── MyPage/
│       └── MyPage.tsx
├── utils/
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── UMyUtil.ts
├── constants/
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── CMyConstant.ts # file content will be: CMY_CONSTANT = 'my_constant';
├── types/
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── TMyType.ts
└── hooks/
    └── useMyHook.ts

Structure object

The structure defines the folder and file structure of the project.

Key Type Description
type string The type of the structure. (e.g., component, page, etc.)
subdirs object Subdirectories of the structure.
generateDir boolean Generate a directory for the structure item
generateIndex boolean Generate an index file for the structure item
generateSubdirs boolean Generate subdirectories for the structure item
generateSubIndex boolean Generate an index file for the structure item
prefix string Prefix for the name of the generated files.
caseFormat string or object Case format for the name of the generated folders/files/components
language string The language of the project. (e.g., TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP)
extensions string or object The extensions of the generated files.

Case Format

The case format can be a string or an object. If it is a string, it should be one of the following:

If it is an object, it should have the following properties: (each property is optional) Key Type Description
name string The name of the case format to use.
file string The case format for file names.
folder string The case format for folder names.


The extensions key specifies the file extensions for the generated files. It can be a string or an object. If it is a string, it should be the file extension (e.g., tsx, js, php, etc.).

If it is an object, it should have the following properties: (each property is optional) Key Type Description
default string The default file extension.
index string The file extension for index files.


The language key specifies the language of the project. It is used to determine the files used to generate items.

Language support are provided by plugins. The default language is javascript.

Default Structure Item

The default structure item defines the default options for each structure item. If a structure item does not have a specific option, it will use the default option.

Blueprints and Builders

Blueprints and builders are the core components of the CLI. They define the templates and logic for generating files and folders.

# Example Directory Structure

├── src/
└── architect/
    │   │
    │   ├─ react/
    │   │   ├── utils.bp.js
    │   │   ├── page.bp.js
    │   │   │
    │   │   ├-─ typescript/
    │   │   │    ├── atoms.bp.tsx
    │   │   │    └── components.bp.tsx
    │   │   │
    │   │   └-- native/
    │   │        ├── components.bp.js
    │   │        │
    │   │        └-─ typescript/
    │   │             ├── atoms.bp.tsx
    │   │             └── components.bp.tsx
    │   │
    │   └── vue/
    │       ├── components.bp.vue
    │       └── page.bp.vue
        ├─ default.builder.ts
        └─ react/
             ├── default.builder.ts
             ├── atom.builder.ts
             └── typescript/
                └── default.builder.ts

The name of the blueprint file should be in the following format: <type>.bp.<ext>, where <type> is the type of the blueprint (e.g., component, page, etc.), and <ext> is the file extension (e.g., tsx, php, etc.).


Blueprints are templates for generating files and folders. They are organized into different categories based on the framework or language (e.g., React, Vue, PHP, etc.).

Blueprints can contain placeholders that will be replaced with the actual values during the generation process.

Available Placeholders

Placeholder Description
__NAME__ The name of the component or file.

Example Blueprint

React Blueprint (TypeScript)

// components.bp.tsx
import React from "react";

interface I__NAME__Props {}

export const My__NAME__: React.FC<I__NAME__Props> = () => {
    return <div>Hello, React!</div>;


Builders are responsible for constructing the file and folder structure based on the blueprints and configuration. They ensure that the correct templates are applied during the generation process.

Example Builders

Default Builder

// default.builder.ts

export function defaultComponentBuilder(args: TBuilderArgs) {
    // args are passed from the CLI and contain the necessary information for generating files
    const { blueprint, fileOutputPath, outName, indexes } = args;

    const replacedBlueprint = blueprint.content.replace(

    fs.writeFileSync(fileOutputPath, replacedBlueprint);

    // Return paths of generated/modified files so it can be displayed at the end
    return [fileOutputPath, ...indexes].filter((b) => b);


The plugins key specifies additional plugins for the CLI. Plugins can be used to extend the functionality of the CLI. For now, plugin can be used to provide support for different languages and frameworks by adding blueprints and builders.

Currently Available Plugins

Creating a Plugin

To create a plugin, you can use the following template on github

The plugin should have the following structure:

├── src/
│   ├── blueprints/
│   │   ├── default.bp.<extension>
│   │   ├── myCustomBlueprint.bp.<extension>
│   │   └── ...
│   │
│   └── builders/
│       ├── default.builder.<extension>
│       ├── myCustombuilder.builder.<extension>
│       └── ...
├── package.json

<extension> is the file extension for the output generated files (e.g., js, ts, php, etc.).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project from the GitHub repo

  2. Create an Issue to discuss the changes you would like to make

  3. Create your Feature Branch

    • branch name should be in the format
      <feat | fix | test | docs>/ARC-<issue-number>/<feature-name>

      ex: feat/ARC-123/AmazingFeature
  4. Link your branch to the issue on GitHub

  5. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat(ARC-123): Add some AmazingFeature')

    • commit name should be in the format
      <type>(<issue-key>): <commit-message>

      ex: feat(ARC-123): Add some AmazingFeature
  6. Push to the Branch (git push origin feat/ARC-123/AmazingFeature)

  7. Open a Pull Request

    • PR name should be in the format
      <type>(<issue-key>): <PR-title>

      ex: feat(ARC-123): Add some AmazingFeature
  8. Link the PR to the issue on GitHub

  9. Review the changes

  10. Merge the Pull Request


Siméon F. - @shimon42 -