AmroShohoud / myo-drone

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This Node.js module maps Myo armband detections in movement to AR.Drone flight commands.

This program, requires client for controlling Parrot AR Drone 2.0, which can be downloaded here ( and framework for Thalmic Labs Myo armband, which can be downloaded here ( May also need module for "keypress" events, found here (

To run, just set up the Myo armband and calibrate it for your profile, then run armband.js.


ctrl + 'c' : exits the program

'l' : lands the drone and locks armband

'd' : disables emergency


Double Tap (if locked) : unlock

Fist : takeoff

Double Tap (if drone is flying) : land and lock

Fingers Spread : reset zero position


Move Up/Down : Drone moves up/down

Twist Left/Right : Drone moves left/right

Move Hand Left : Drone moves back

Move Hand Right : Drone moves forward

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