Amzd / dontforgit.nvim

Don't forget to commit and push your changes anymore! NeoVim plugin.
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Don't forget to commit and push your changes anymore!

If you are like me and often quit NeoVim without committing or pushing, this plugin will remind you to do so.


  config = function()


require("dontforgit").setup {
    -- If you often work in projects without git then turn this off to stop this plugin pestering you
    notify_git_failed = true,
    -- If you want to use a different git command (eg for dotfiles when in home directory) you can do so here
    git_command = "!git",
    -- If you always do `:!git <something>` then you can set this to "!git " to save typing
    -- or if you want to use fugitive you might want to set this to "Git " or ""
    prompt_prefix = "!",
    -- Wether to add `-s -b` to `git status` command
    compact = false,
    -- Disable the hint
    disable_hint = false


Quit NeoVim without committing or pushing and you will be prompted to do so.

When you have committed and pushed everything it automatically quits.

You can force close using <Esc>, <C-c>, or :q without committing everything.

To run git status again you can just <Enter> without any input (either empty string or same as config.prompt_prefix).

How it works

This plugin hooks the VimLeavePre event and blocks nvim shutting down by using vim.ui.input in a loop.