Run locally is easy. No special setup required:
cargo run
To build for mobile you have to install xbuild:
cargo install xbuild --git --branch no-flutter
On ios a provisioning profile and key is required.
x run --device imd:55abbd4b70af4353bdea2595bbddcac4a2b7891a --provisioning-profile ~/analog-apple-credentials/wildcard.mobileprovision --pem ~/analog-apple-credentials/development.pem
On android it can be run with
x run --device adb:16ee50bc
Note that the ANDROID_HOME env variable needs to point to the android sdk.
To run in the browser install the dioxus cli tool.
cargo install --git
Next you have to build the project for the first time.
dioxus build
Now that the dist folder was created you can start using hot reload:
dioxus serve