Analyticsphere / analyticsPiplelines

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Example R Analytics Pipeline:

using Plumber, Cloud Build, Cloud Run and Cloud Scheduler

This repo holds files required to run a containerized R script, using docker, cloud build and cloud run. It uses docker and yaml files based on Daniel Russ's CloudRun_QAQC example.


  1. Write R script as a plumber API

  2. Build a container image

  3. Schedule or trigger the cloud run

  4. Push data from GCP Cloud Storage Bucket to Box

1. Write R script as a plumber API

# test_api.r



#* heartbeat...for testing purposes only. Not required to run analysis.
#* @get /
#* @post /

#* Runs STAGE test script
#* @get /test_api
#* @post /test_api
function() {

  # Set parameters 
  report_name <- 'report_table.pdf'
  bucket      <- 'gs://test_analytics_bucket_jp' 
  project     <- "nih-nci-dceg-connect-stg-5519"  
  billing     <- project # Billing must be same as project

  # Simple query.
  query_rec <- "SELECT 117249500 AS RcrtUP_Age_v1r0 
                FROM `nih-nci-dceg-connect-stg-5519.Connect.participants` 
                WHERE Connect_ID IS NOT NULL"

  # BigQuery authorization. Should work smoothly on GCP without any inputs.

  # Download some data
  rec_table <- bq_project_query(project, query_rec)
  rec_data  <- bq_table_download(rec_table, bigint = "integer64")
  t <- head(rec_data) # Get just the top few lines of the table.

  # Write a table to pdf as an example "report". 
  # Add time stamp to report name
  report_fid <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(report_name),
                       format(Sys.time(), "_%m_%d_%Y_%H_%M"),
                       ".", file_ext(report_name))
  pdf(report_fid) # Opens a PDF
  grid.table(t)   # Put table in PDF       # Closes PDF

  # Authenticate with Google Storage and write report file to bucket
  scope <- c("")
  token <- token_fetch(scopes=scope)
  gcs_upload(report_fid, bucket=bucket, name=report_fid) 

  # Return a string for for API testing purposes
  ret_str <- paste("All done. Check", bucket, "for", report_fid)
# cloud_run_helper_functions.r

# Helper functions for cloud run

## Uses gsutil CLI command to copy files from directory to a GCP bucket.
export_folder_contents_to_bucket <- function(output_directory, 
                                             time_stamp) {

  # Modify strings to so that gsutil will recognize them
  output_path_str <- paste(output_directory, '/', sep='')
  bucket_path_str <- paste('gs://', bucket_path, '/report_', time_stamp, '/', 
                           sep = '') 

  # Run gsutil command to to copy contents of output file to bucket
  command = paste('gsutil', 'cp', '-R', 
                  output_path_str, bucket_path_str, sep =' ')
  system(command, intern=TRUE)


# Checks if packages are available and logs to text file for debugging cloud runs
# and Docker setup. Takes package names as strings as inputs.
check_package_availability <- function(...){
  packages <- list(...)
  for (package in packages){
    if (package %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == TRUE) {
      line_str <- paste(package, 'is available', sep =" ")
      write(line_str, file = "./output/package_availability.txt", append = TRUE)
    } else {
      line_str <- paste(package, 'is not available', sep =" ")
      write(line_str, file = "./output/package_availability.txt", append = TRUE)

# Export data to Box
export_folder_contents_to_box<- function(output_folder, box_folder,
                                         time_stamp) {

  # Check if boxr is installed
  if (!require(boxr)) {         
    stop("boxr not installed")  
  } else {  
    print('boxr is installed')  

    # Authenticate Box user using client id and client secret
    # These are stored in .Renviron file. Get these from Jake or Daniel.
    # In Cloud Build/Run/Scheduler, these can be added as environment variables 
    # in the UI.
             interactive=FALSE, write.Renv=TRUE)

    # Go to desired directory and create new folder
    box_dir_name = paste('report_', time_stamp, sep = '')
    box_dir_create(dir_name, parent_dir_id = box_getwd())

    # Loop through files in output_folder and write them to box
    files <- list.files(path=output_folder, full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE)
    for (file in files){
      f <- load(file)
      box_write(f, file)


2. Build a container image

Building a container image requires 2 files. A cloud build config file (ex, cloudbuild.yaml) and a docker file (ex, Dockerfile).

# cloudbuild.yaml


 # Build the container image
 - name: ''
   args: ['build','-t', '$COMMIT_SHA', '.']
   dir: 'stage'
   timeout: 1200s

 # Push the container image to Container Registry
 - name: ''
   args: ['push', '$COMMIT_SHA']

 # Deploy container image to Cloud Run
 - name: ''
   entrypoint: gcloud
   args: ['run','deploy','test-reports-api', '$COMMIT_SHA', '--region=us-central1', '']

# Dockerfile

FROM rocker/tidyverse:latest
RUN install2.r plumber bigrquery gridExtra scales boxr tools googleCloudStorageR gargle

# Copy R code to directory in instance
COPY ["./test_api.r", "./test_api.r"]
COPY ["./cloud_run_helper_functions.r", "./cloud_run_helper_functions.r"]

# Run R code
ENTRYPOINT ["R", "-e","pr <- plumber::plumb('test_api.r'); pr$run(host='', port=as.numeric(Sys.getenv('PORT')))"]

3. Schedule or Trigger the Cloud Run

4. Push data from GCP Cloud Storage Bucket to Box

Set up Trigger on Cloud Run


  1. Navigate to Cloud Build using the search bar.

  2. Click on the Triggers o-> icon in the left panel.

  3. Click Connect Repository and select the repository holds your code.

  4. Click CREATE TRIGGER, and enter the following selections:

    1. In the Name text box, enter the name of your trigger, e.g., "Test-Reports-Api".

    2. Under Region dropdown, select global (non-regional).

    3. Enter a Description.

    4. Under Event, select Push to a branch.

    5. Under Source > Repository, select the repository you linked in the previous step, e.g., Analyticsphere/analyticsPipelines.

    6. Under Source > Branch, select ^main$.

    7. Under Configuration > Type, select Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json).

    8. Under Configuration > Location, select Repository.

    9. In the Cloud Build configuration file location text box, type the path to your cloudbuild.yaml file, e.g., "/stage/cloudbuild.yaml".

    10. Leave all other options to defaults and click Create.

  5. Make sure that your trigger appears in the list, e.g., Test-Report-API.


Set up Cloud Run

Set up Cloud Scheduler

Set up Google Cloud Storage Bucket


It is also possible to do all of this using R libraries. Daniel and Jake don't recommend it.