Anashost / MY-HA-DASH

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Living Room Card Status #3

Open biggilottecassi opened 8 months ago

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago


great work!

I have a question, can you explain how you created this part of your Livingroom Card IMG_0152

Anashost commented 8 months ago

Sure, Create a toggle named dropdown livingroom from helpers to use it as a toggle to show and hide the cards (graph cards).

status bar card ``` type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.3em; --chip-icon-size: 0.5em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: bold; } chips: - type: template entity: input_boolean.dropdown_livingroom icon_color: '' icon: |- {% if is_state('input_boolean.dropdown_livingroom','off') %} mdi:chevron-up {% else %} mdi:chevron-down {% endif %} use_entity_picture: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: toggle content: '' - type: template entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature icon_color: '{{states(''sensor.livingroom_temp_color_no_rgb'')}}' icon: mdi:thermometer use_entity_picture: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.livingroom_temperature','unknown') %} - {% else %} {{states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')}}° {% endif %} - type: template icon: mdi:lightbulb-group content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count','0') %} {% else %} {{states('sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count')}} {% endif %} icon_color: |- {% set state = states('sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count')|float %} {% if state <= 0 %} grey {% else %} amber {% endif %} double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: more-info tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count - type: template entity: switch.plug_4_local icon_color: |- {% if is_state('switch.plug_4_local','off') %} grey {% elif is_state('switch.plug_4_local','unavailable') %} white {% elif is_state('switch.plug_4_local','unknown') %} white {% else %} cyan {% endif %} icon: mdi:fan use_entity_picture: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: more-info tap_action: action: none ```
temperature & humidity graph card ``` type: conditional conditions: - entity: input_boolean.dropdown_livingroom state: 'off' card: type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:mini-graph-card entities: - sensor.livingroom_temperature line_color: orange name: Temperature icon: mdi:thermometer line_width: 5 font_size: 75 - type: custom:mini-graph-card entities: - sensor.livingroom_humidity line_color: rgb(51, 173, 255) name: Humidity icon: mdi:water-percent line_width: 5 font_size: 75 ```

Note that you need to replace entities with your own, like temperature, lights counter, fan plug.

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

Thanks and this? IMG_0152

Anashost commented 8 months ago

This is the status bar card, look at my answer again.

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

Sorry. Wrong screenshot IMG_0150

Anashost commented 8 months ago

No worries, these are normal mushroom-chips-card you can configure them mostly from the ui.

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

Ok. The Card for Setting and PTZ IMG_0153

Anashost commented 8 months ago

I can give you the code but the buttons at the left involves scripts that does some of the actions that are related to my own camera brand.

yaml ``` square: false type: grid cards: - type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: true margin: true box_shadow: false background: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: tap_action: action: call-service service: target: {} icon: mdi:door content_info: none - type: entity entity: script.cam_preset_balcony tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_preset_balcony target: {} icon: mdi:window-open-variant content_info: none - type: entity entity: script.cam_preset_privacy tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_preset_privacy target: {} icon: mdi:eye-off content_info: none - type: entity entity: script.cam_preset_privacy tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_preset_privacy_off target: {} icon: mdi:eye content_info: none alignment: start - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: script.cam_night_vision_auto contenet: none name: auto tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_night_vision_auto target: {} icon: mdi:theme-light-dark content_info: none - type: entity entity: script.cam_night_vision_on contenet: none name: 'on' tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_night_vision_on target: {} icon: mdi:weather-night content_info: none - type: entity entity: script.cam_night_vision_off contenet: none name: 'off' tap_action: action: call-service service: script.cam_night_vision_off target: {} icon: mdi:weather-sunny content_info: none - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.3em; --chip-icon-size: 0.5em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: bold; } chips: - type: entity entity: tap_action: action: none icon: none content_info: none - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: true margin: true box_shadow: false background: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: button.tapo_cam_move_up icon: mdi:chevron-up content_info: none double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: toggle alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: button.tapo_cam_move_left icon: mdi:chevron-left content_info: none double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: toggle - type: entity entity: input_boolean.on_state icon: mdi:circle content_info: none double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: none - type: entity entity: button.tapo_cam_move_right double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: toggle icon: mdi:chevron-right content_info: none alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: button.tapo_cam_move_down icon: mdi:chevron-down double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: toggle content_info: none alignment: center columns: 2 ```
biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

Hello. The alarm keycard somehow doesn't work. It doesn't come the query for the code

Anashost commented 8 months ago

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

When I enter the code in the panel, the live image of the camera opens. When I leave Home Assistant and go back in, the live picture is always there and the alarm panel is not

Anashost commented 8 months ago

Because you need to have either an exit button that sets the status of the alarm back to armed_away, or create an automaton that does that after a certain amount of time. I personally prefer a button.

Screenshot_20231012_215727_Home Assistant

biggilottecassi commented 8 months ago

Hello. I would like to have a text in the bar next to kWh. How does it work? IMG_0169

Anashost commented 8 months ago

What do you mean exactly? Like normal text, or extra entities next to this