Anashost / MY-HA-DASH

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Here's a link to the old version of this dashboard.

In this repo i will share with you the code of my dashboard, mainly those cards:



1. you need to install the folowing integrations from HACS:

In this YouTube video i went through the cards we need which are the folowing:

For Home page:

For other views:

2. you need to enable these sensors in the companion app:

  • Detectd Activity
  • Battery sensors
  • Geocoded Location
  • Last Reboot
  • Location sensors
  • Network sensors

3. you need to create Area's for your rooms in:

Settings > Areas & Zones > + CREATE AREA

also create an Area called: Media (we need it later for media count)

4. you need to create this virtual/fake button:

this button (input_boolean) is needed to give some mushroom cards (that we need for navigation only) some colors, more info about it here.

to create it:

Settings > Devices & Services > Helpers > + CREATE HELPER > Toggle

name it: on state

so this button entity id would be: input_boolean.on_state

5. you need to have/create groups and lights count sensors:

  • Note: make more groups & sensors for every user & room you want.
  • Restart is required after you create the sensors.
  • use your own entities!

Groups examples: (Click to expand)

Livingroom group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` livingroom_lights: name: Livingroom lights entities: - light.livingroom_lamp - light.livingroom_socket - light.under_tv_led - light.behind_tv_led - light.right_led - light.left_led ```
Office group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` office_lights: name: office lights entities: - light.desk_led - light.monitor_led ```
Kitchen group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` kitchen_lights: name: kitchen lights entities: - light.kitchen_lamp ```
Bedroom group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` bedroom_lights: name: Bedroom lights entities: - light.bedroom_lamp ```
Bath group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` bath_lights: name: Bath lights entities: - light.bath_lamp ```
WC group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` wc_lights: name: WC lights entities: - light.wc_lamp ```
All lights group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` all_lights: name: All lights entities: - light.livingroom_lamp - light.livingroom_socket - light.under_tv_led - light.behind_tv_led - light.right_led - light.left_led - light.desk_led - light.monitor_led - light.bedroom_lamp - light.kitchen_lamp - light.bath_lamp - light.wc_lamp ```
All media group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` all_media: name: All media entities: - media_player.livingroom_speaker - media_player.bedroom_speaker - media_player.samsung_tv ```
All devices group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` all_devices: name: All devices entities: - light.livingroom_lamp - light.livingroom_socket - light.under_tv_led - light.behind_tv_led - light.right_led - light.left_led - light.desk_led - light.monitor_led - light.bedroom_lamp - light.kitchen_lamp - light.bath_lamp - light.wc_lamp - media_player.livingroom_speaker - media_player.bedroom_speaker - media_player.samsung_tv ```
All plugs group * paste this code to your **groups.yaml** ``` all_plugs: name: All plugs entities: - switch.plug_1 - switch.plug_2 - switch.plug_3 ```

Lighs/Media/Devices counters examples: (Click to expand)

Livingroom Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Livingroom in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: livingroom_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'livingroom lights of count' unique_id: livingroom_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Livingroom')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
Office Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Office in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: office_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'Office lights of count' unique_id: office_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Office')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
Bedroom Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Bedroom in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: bedroom_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'Bedroom lights of count' unique_id: bedroom_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Bedroom')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
Kitchen Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Kitchen in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: kitchen_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'Kitchen lights of count' unique_id: kitchen_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Kitchen')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
Bath Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Bath in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: bath_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'Bath lights of count' unique_id: bath_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Bath')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
WC Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace WC in line 7 with your own Area name, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: wc_lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'WC lights of count' unique_id: wc_lights_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('WC')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['light']) | selectattr('state', 'eq', 'on') | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
Media count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** ``` - platform: template sensors: media_of_count: friendly_name: 'Media of count' unique_id: media_of_count value_template: > {{ expand(area_entities('Media')) | selectattr('domain', 'in', ['media_player']) | selectattr('state', 'in', ['on', 'idle']) | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment') | list | count }} ```
All Lights count * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** * replace Area's names in line 8 with your own, (upper/lower case sensitive). ``` - platform: template sensors: lights_of_count: friendly_name: 'Lights of count' unique_id: lights_of_count value_template: > {%- set search_state = 'on' %} {%- set search_areas = ['Livingroom','Office','Bedroom','Kitchen','Bath','WC'] %} {%- set ns = namespace(lights=[]) %} {%- for light in states.light | selectattr('state','eq', search_state) | rejectattr('object_id', 'search', 'segment')%} {%- for area in search_areas %} {% if area_name(light.entity_id) == area %} {%- set ns.lights = ns.lights + [ light.entity_id ] %} {% endif%} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} {{ ns.lights| list | length }} ```

(Note: make more groups & sensors for every user & room you want)

6. you need to create these additional sensors:

(Restart is required after you create the sensors)

Battery icon & color based of phone battery level * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** (replace the word *user* with your own name or family members names) ``` - platform: template sensors: user_battery_icon: friendly_name: 'user battery icon' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.user_battery_level')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 10 %} mdi:battery-10 {% elif state >= 10 and state < 20 %} mdi:battery-20 {% elif state >= 20 and state < 30 %} mdi:battery-30 {% elif state >= 30 and state < 40 %} mdi:battery-40 {% elif state >= 40 and state < 50 %} mdi:battery-50 {% elif state >= 50 and state < 60 %} mdi:battery-60 {% elif state >= 60 and state < 70 %} mdi:battery-70 {% elif state >= 70 and state < 80 %} mdi:battery-80 {% elif state >= 80 and state < 95 %} mdi:battery-90 {% else %} mdi:battery {% endif %} - platform: template sensors: user_battery_color: friendly_name: 'user battery color' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.user_battery_level')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 20 %} red {% elif state >= 20 and state < 50 %} orange {% elif state >= 50 and state < 80 %} yellow {% else %} green {% endif %} ```
(for header) Temperature icon color based of temperature * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** `Celsius` ``` - platform: template sensors: livingroom_temp_color_no_rgb: friendly_name: 'livingroom temp color no rgb' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 18 %} blue {% elif state >= 18 and state < 20 %} yellow {% elif state >= 20 and state < 23 %} orange {% elif state >= 23 and state < 50 %} red {% else %} grey {% endif %} ``` `Fahrenheit` ``` - platform: template sensors: livingroom_temp_color_no_rgb: friendly_name: 'livingroom temp color no rgb' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 64 %} blue {% elif state >= 64 and state < 68 %} yellow {% elif state >= 68 and state < 73 %} orange {% elif state >= 73 and state < 212 %} red {% else %} grey {% endif %} ```
(for rooms cards) Temperature icon color based of temperature * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** `Celsius` ``` - platform: template sensors: livingroom_temp_color: friendly_name: 'livingroom temp color' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 18 %} rgb(26, 209, 255) {% elif state >= 18 and state < 20 %} rgb(255, 214, 51) {% elif state >= 20 and state < 23 %} rgb(255, 163, 26) {% elif state >= 23 and state < 50 %} rgb(255, 51, 51) {% else %} grey {% endif %} ``` `Fahrenheit` ``` - platform: template sensors: livingroom_temp_color: friendly_name: 'livingroom temp color' value_template: > {% set state = states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 64 %} rgb(26, 209, 255) {% elif state >= 64 and state < 68 %} rgb(255, 214, 51) {% elif state >= 68 and state < 73 %} rgb(255, 163, 26) {% elif state >= 73 and state < 212 %} rgb(255, 51, 51) {% else %} grey {% endif %} ```
(for person cards) This shows the user address nicley in the card * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** (replace the word *user* with your own name or family members names) ``` - platform: template sensors: user_geo_1: friendly_name: 'user geo 1' value_template: > {{ (states('sensor.user_geocoded_location')).split(",")[0] }} - platform: template sensors: user_geo_2: friendly_name: 'user geo 2' value_template: > {{ (states('sensor.user_geocoded_location')).split(",")[1] }} ```
(for person cards) needed for Proximity (converting to KM/Miles and math stuff) * paste this code to your **sensors.yaml** (replace the word *user* with your own name or family members names) `meters/KM` ``` - platform: template sensors: user_proximity: friendly_name: 'user proximity' value_template: > {% set state = states('proximity.user')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 50 %} {{ (states('proximity.user')| int * 0)}} km {% elif state >= 50 and state < 999 %} {{ (states('proximity.user')| int * 0.001) | round(1)}} km {% elif state > 999 and state <= 99999 %} {{ (states('proximity.user')| int * 0.001) | round(1)}} km {% elif state > 99999 %} {{ (states('proximity.user')| int * 0.001) | round(0)}} km {% endif %} ``` `ft/miles` ``` - platform: template sensors: user_proximity: friendly_name: 'user proximity' value_template: > {% set state = states('proximity.user')|float %} {% if state >= 0 and state < 528 %} {{state|round}} ft {% elif state >= 528 and state < 5280 %} {{ (state * 0.0001894) | round(1) }} m {% elif state >= 5280 %} {{ (state * 0.0001894) | round(1) }} m {% endif %} ```
(for person cards) Proximity (how far from home is a family member) * add this to your configuration.yaml: `proximity: !include proximity.yaml` * create a proximity.yaml in your config/ and paste this code in it (replace the word *user* with your own name or family members names) this calculates how far from home is a family member in `meters` or `ft`. `meter` ``` user: zone: home devices: - device_tracker.user tolerance: 50 unit_of_measurement: m ``` `ft` ``` user: zone: home devices: - device_tracker.user tolerance: 200 unit_of_measurement: ft ```

7. laptop/PC states/actions:

To get the state of the laptop/PC like in the office room, i've used HASS.Agent.

Setup Dashboard cards :

Header card:

Yaml Code (Click to expand) ``` type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false margin: true cards: - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: template entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:pine-tree content: '' icon_color: green hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: weather - type: weather entity: weather.forecast_home double_tap_action: action: none show_conditions: true show_temperature: true hold_action: action: none - type: entity entity: sensor.openweathermap_wind_speed icon_color: blue-grey icon: mdi:weather-windy double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: template double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:home icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.all_devices','on')%} amber {%endif%} {% if is_state('group.all_devices','off')%} grey {%endif%} hold_action: action: more-info tap_action: action: none entity: group.all_devices - type: template entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature icon_color: '{{states(''sensor.livingroom_temp_color_no_rgb'')}}' icon: mdi:thermometer use_entity_picture: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.livingroom_temperature','unavailable') %} - {% elif is_state('sensor.livingroom_temperature','unknown') %} - {% else %} {{states('sensor.livingroom_temperature')}}° {% endif %} - type: template entity: sensor.livingroom_humidity icon_color: light-blue icon: mdi:water-percent name: '' use_entity_picture: true hold_action: action: none double_tap_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.livingroom_humidity','unavailable') %} - {% else %} {{states('sensor.livingroom_humidity')}}% {% endif %} - type: template double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:lightbulb-group content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.lights_of_count','0') %} {% else %} {{states('sensor.lights_of_count')}} {% endif %} icon_color: |- {% set state = states('sensor.lights_of_count')|float %} {% if state <= 0 %} grey {% else %} amber {% endif %} hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.lights_of_count - type: template double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:play content: |- {% if is_state('sensor.media_of_count','0') %} {% else %} {{states('sensor.media_of_count')}} {% endif %} icon_color: |- {% set state = states('sensor.media_of_count')|float %} {% if state <= 0 %} grey {% else %} red {% endif %} hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: none entity: sensor.media_of_count alignment: center - type: custom:swipe-card mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false margin: true box_shadow: false background: false cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:remote icon_color: teal layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: remote primary_info: none secondary_info: name name: TV - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: group.all_lights icon_color: yellow secondary_info: name layout: vertical name: Lights double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info primary_info: none icon: mdi:lamps - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state icon: mdi:floor-plan icon_color: white layout: vertical primary_info: none secondary_info: name tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: floor hold_action: action: none double_tap_action: action: none name: Floor - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state name: Media icon: mdi:television-play icon_color: red layout: vertical double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: media secondary_info: name primary_info: none - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state name: Clean icon: mdi:vacuum icon_color: cyan layout: vertical double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: vacuum secondary_info: name primary_info: none - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: group.all_plugs name: Plugs icon: mdi:power-socket-eu icon_color: green layout: vertical double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: plugs secondary_info: name primary_info: none - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:shield-home icon_color: teal layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: arm primary_info: none secondary_info: name name: Alarm - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:flask-outline icon_color: cyan layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: lab primary_info: none secondary_info: name name: Lab - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:gas-station icon_color: orange layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: brandstof primary_info: none secondary_info: name name: Gas - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:shopping icon_color: white layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: shopping primary_info: none secondary_info: name name: List - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: none icon_color: none layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: Home primary_info: none secondary_info: none name: TV - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card{ box-shadow: none; } entity: input_boolean.on_state double_tap_action: action: none icon: none icon_color: none layout: vertical hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: Home primary_info: none secondary_info: none name: TV ```

person cards:

person cards

Yaml Code (Click to expand) ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card cards: - type: custom:mushroom-person-card entity: person.user icon_type: entity-picture tap_action: action: more-info double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none secondary_info: state layout: horizontal primary_info: none fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.3em; --chip-icon-size: 0.5em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: bold; } chips: - type: template entity: sensor.user_battery_level icon: '{{states(''sensor.user_battery_icon'')}}' icon_color: '{{states(''sensor.user_battery_color'')}}' content: '{{states(''sensor.user_battery_level'')}}%' tap_action: action: more-info - type: template entity: sensor.user_battery_level icon: >- {% if is_state('binary_sensor.user_is_charging','on')%}mdi:power-plug {% else %} mdi:power-plug-off {% endif %} icon_color: |- {% if is_state('binary_sensor.user_is_charging','on')%}blue {% else %} grey {% endif %} content: '' tap_action: action: none - type: template entity: sensor.user_network_type icon: |- {% if is_state('sensor.user_network_type','wifi')%} mdi:wifi {% elif is_state('sensor.user_network_type','cellular')%} mdi:signal-4g {% else %} mdi:network-strength-off {% endif %} icon_color: |- {% if is_state('sensor.user_network_type','wifi')%} green {% elif is_state('sensor.user_network_type','cellular')%} red {% else %} grey {% endif %} content: '' hold_action: action: none double_tap_action: action: none tap_action: action: none alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.28em; --chip-icon-size: 0.4em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-font-weight: normal; } alignment: justify chips: - type: entity entity: device_tracker.user content_info: last-updated icon: mdi:clock icon_color: grey tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity entity: sensor.user_proximity content_info: state icon: mdi:map-marker-right-outline icon_color: grey tap_action: action: more-info - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical keep: margin: true outer-padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --font-size: 0.32em; --icon-size: 0.52em; --border-width: 0; --box-shadow: none; --background: none; --border: none; --spacing: 0.5em; --font-weight: normal; } primary: '' secondary: 'WiFi: {{states(''sensor.user_wifi_connection'')}}' icon: '' entity: sensor.user_wifi_connection layout: vertical double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.32em; --chip-icon-size: 0.52em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: normal; } chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.user_detected_activity icon_color: teal double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info - type: entity entity: input_boolean.a_on_state icon_color: red icon: mdi:cellphone-wireless use_entity_picture: false content_info: none tap_action: action: call-service service: script.user_find_phone data: {} target: {} hold_action: action: none double_tap_action: action: none alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --font-size: 0.2em; --icon-size: 0.5em; --border-width: 0; --box-shadow: none; --background: none; --border: none; --spacing: none; --font-weight: normal; } entity: sensor.user_geo_1 icon_type: none primary_info: '' name: 'Possible Location:' layout: vertical fill_container: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --font-size: 0.2em; --icon-size: 0.5em; --border-width: 0; --box-shadow: none; --background: none; --border: none; --spacing: none; --font-weight: normal; } entity: sensor.user_geo_2 icon_type: none primary_info: '' name: 'Possible Location:' layout: vertical fill_container: true double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical keep: margin: true outer-padding: true cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --font-size: 0.3em; --icon-size: 0.5em; --border-width: 0; --box-shadow: none; --background: none; --border: none; --spacing: 0.5em; --font-weight: normal; } primary: '' secondary: 'other info:' icon: '' entity: sensor.karam_wifi_connection layout: vertical double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.32em; --chip-icon-size: 0.52em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: normal; } chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.user_public_ip_address icon_color: teal double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info alignment: center - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-font-size: 0.32em; --chip-icon-size: 0.52em; --chip-border-width: 0; --chip-box-shadow: none; --chip-background: none; --chip-border: none; --chip-spacing: none; --chip-font-weight: normal; } chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.user_last_reboot icon_color: teal double_tap_action: action: none hold_action: action: none tap_action: action: more-info alignment: center ```

Rooms cards:

Livingroom - Office


Livingroom card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.livingroom_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Living room secondary: '' icon: mdi:sofa layout: horizontal entity: group.livingroom_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.livingroom_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: livingroom hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.livingroom_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.livingroom_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - value: 'on' icon: mdi:thermometer entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature styles: icon: - color: | [[[ return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temp_color'].state}` ]]] - width: 15px - position: relative - top: 4px - right: 12px card: - border-radius: 80% - width: 40px - height: 40px name: - color: white - font-size: 10px - position: relative - bottom: 10px - left: 5px - font-weight: bold name: | [[[ if (states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state == 'unknown') return '-' return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state}°` ]]] - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(4,212,240) styles: icon: - animation: rotating 0.8s linear infinite card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:fan tap_action: action: none entity: switch.plug_4 styles: icon: - width: 19px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(255, 51, 51) - value: idle color: rgb(255, 51, 51) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% tap_action: action: none icon: mdi:youtube-tv entity: media_player.samsung_tv styles: icon: - width: 19px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:chandelier tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.livingroom_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:chandelier tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.livingroom_socket styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:desk tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.desk_led styles: icon: - width: 24px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:television-ambient-light tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.behind_tv_led styles: icon: - width: 21px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:monitor tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.monitor_led styles: icon: - width: 21px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:led-strip tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.left_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:rectangle tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.under_tv_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:led-strip tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.right_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card ```
Office card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.office_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Office secondary: '' icon: mdi:desk layout: horizontal entity: group.office_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.office_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: office hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.office_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.office_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - value: 'on' icon: mdi:thermometer entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature styles: icon: - color: | [[[ return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temp_color'].state}` ]]] - width: 15px - position: relative - top: 4px - right: 12px card: - border-radius: 80% - width: 40px - height: 40px name: - color: white - font-size: 10px - position: relative - bottom: 10px - left: 5px - font-weight: bold name: | [[[ if (states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state == 'unknown') return '-' return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state}°` ]]] - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: Unlocked color: rgb(34,139,34) - value: Locked color: rgb(255, 71, 26) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:laptop tap_action: action: more-info entity: sensor.laptop_sessionstate styles: icon: - width: 19px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:desk tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.desk_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:chandelier tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.livingroom_socket styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:monitor tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.monitor_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```


Bedroom card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.bedroom_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Bedroom secondary: '' icon: mdi:bunk-bed layout: horizontal entity: group.bedroom_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.bedroom_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: bedroom hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.bedroom_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.bedroom_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.bedroom_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - value: 'on' icon: mdi:thermometer entity: sensor.mi_bedroom_temperature styles: icon: - color: | [[[ return `${states['sensor.bedroom_temp_color'].state}` ]]] - width: 15px - position: relative - top: 4px - right: 12px card: - border-radius: 80% - width: 40px - height: 40px name: - color: white - font-size: 10px - position: relative - bottom: 10px - left: 5px - font-weight: bold name: | [[[ if (states['sensor.mi_bedroom_temperature'].state == 'unavailable') return '-' return `${states['sensor.mi_bedroom_temperature'].state}°` ]]] - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(4,212,240) styles: icon: - animation: rotating 0.8s linear infinite card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:fan tap_action: action: none entity: switch.plug_3 styles: icon: - width: 19px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.wled_window styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:light-recessed tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.bedroom_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:table-furniture tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.table_led styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.wled_window styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```
Kitchen card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.kitchen_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Kitchen secondary: '' icon: mdi:silverware-fork-knife layout: horizontal entity: group.kitchen_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.kitchen_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: kitchen hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.kitchen_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.kitchen_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.kitchen_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - value: 'on' icon: mdi:thermometer entity: sensor.livingroom_temperature styles: icon: - color: | [[[ return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temp_color'].state}` ]]] - width: 15px - position: relative - top: 4px - right: 12px card: - border-radius: 80% - width: 40px - height: 40px name: - color: white - font-size: 10px - position: relative - bottom: 10px - left: 5px - font-weight: bold name: | [[[ if (states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state == 'unknown') return '-' return `${states['sensor.livingroom_temperature'].state}°` ]]] - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: yellow - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(255, 71, 26) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:motion-sensor tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.pir_kitchen_occupancy styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: input_boolean.on_state styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:light-recessed tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.kitchen_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: input_boolean.on_state styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```


Bath card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.bath_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Bath icon: mdi:shower-head layout: horizontal entity: group.bath_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.bath_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: bath hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.bath_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.bath_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.bath_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: yellow - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(255, 71, 26) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:motion-sensor tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.pir_bath_occupancy styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.wled_window styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:dome-light tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.bath_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.wled_window styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```
WC card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.wc_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: WC icon: mdi:toilet layout: horizontal entity: group.wc_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.wc_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: toilet hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.wc_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.wc_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.wc_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: yellow - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(255, 71, 26) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:motion-sensor tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.pir_wc_occupancy styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:light-recessed tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.wc_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```


Security card ``` type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('camera.tapo_cam_sd_stream', 'idle') %} background: rgba(91, 215, 91,0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: '' .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -21px 0px 0px -21px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Security secondary: '' icon: mdi:cctv layout: horizontal entity: switch.tapo_cam_privacy icon_color: green badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' multiline_secondary: false fill_container: false double_tap_action: action: none tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: security hold_action: action: none - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```
Hall card ``` type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:stack-in-card card_mod: style: | ha-card { {% if is_state('group.hall_lights', 'on') %} background: rgba(255, 152, 0, 0.1); {% endif %} } mode: vertical keep: outer_padding: false cards: - type: custom:mushroom-template-card card_mod: style: mushroom-shape-icon$: | @keyframes ping { 0% { box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px rgba(var(--rgb-{{ config.icon_color }}), 0.7); } 100% { box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent; } } .: | mushroom-shape-icon { --icon-size: 76px; display: flex; margin: -20px 0px 0px -20px !important; } ha-card { clip-path: inset(0 0 0 0 round var(--ha-card-border-radius, 12px)); } primary: Hall icon: mdi:door layout: horizontal entity: group.hall_lights icon_color: |- {% if is_state('group.hall_lights','on')%} amber {%endif%} tap_action: action: navigate navigation_path: hall hold_action: action: toggle double_tap_action: action: none badge_color: '' badge_icon: '' fill_container: true - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card tap_action: action: none state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange icon: mdi:lightbulb-group entity: group.hall_lights styles: icon: - width: 19px grid: - position: relative custom_fields: notification: - border-radius: 50% - position: absolute - left: 50% - top: 3% - height: 20px - width: 20px - font-size: 10px - line-height: 20px - font-weight: bold card: - border-radius: 50% - width: 40px - height: 40px custom_fields: notification: | [[[ if (states['sensor.hall_lights_of_count'].state == '0') return ' ' return `${states['sensor.hall_lights_of_count'].state}` ]]] name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: yellow - value: 'off' color: grey - value: 'on' color: rgb(255, 71, 26) styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:motion-sensor tap_action: action: more-info entity: binary_sensor.pir_hall_occupancy styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:stack-in-card mode: vertical cards: - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: mdi:light-flood-down tap_action: action: toggle entity: light.hall_lamp styles: icon: - width: 23px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' - type: custom:button-card color_type: blank-card - type: horizontal-stack cards: - type: custom:button-card state: - operator: default color: grey - value: 'on' color: orange - value: 'off' color: grey styles: card: - border-radius: 50% icon: none tap_action: action: none entity: light.empty styles: icon: - width: 18px card: - width: 40px - height: 40px name: ' ' ```

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