Anchormen / sql4es

sql4es: JDBC driver for Elasticsearch
Apache License 2.0
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Elastic announced the great news that they are working on SQL support at Elastic{ON} 2017! You can find the talk on this topic on the Elastic Website

sql4es: JDBC driver for Elasticsearch

Sql-for-Elasticsearch (sql4es) is a jdbc 4.1 driver for Elasticsearch 6.3.2 implementing the majority of the JDBC interfaces: Connection, Statement, PreparedStatment, ResultSet, Batch and DataBase- / ResultSetMetadata. The screenshot below shows SQLWorkbenchJ with a selection of SQL statements that can be executed using the driver.

SQLWorkbenchJ screenshot with examples


The sql4es driver can be used by adding the jar file, found within the releases directory of the project, to the tool/application used and load the driver with name 'nl.anchormen.sql4es.jdbc.ESDriver'. The driver expects an URL with the following format: jdbc:sql4es://host:port/index?params.

// register the driver and get a connection for index 'myidx'
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sql4es://localhost:9300/myidx?");
Statement st = con.createStatement();
// execute a query on mytype within myidx
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM mytype WHERE something >= 42");
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
int nrCols = rsmd.getColumnCount();
// get other column information like type
    for(int i=1; i<=nrCols; i++){

The driver can also be used from applications able to load the jdbc driver. It has been tested with sqlWorkbench/J and Squirrel on an Elasticsearch 6.3.2 cluster. A description on how to use sql4es with sqlWorkbenchJ along with a number of example queries can be found at the bottom of this readme.

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sql4es://");

Supported SQL

Simply said the sql4es driver translates SQL statements to their Elasticsearch counterparts and parses results into ResultSet implementations. The following sql statements are supported:


Elasticsearch does not support transactions. Hence executing batches cannot be rolled back upon failure (nor can statements be committed). It also takes some time for documents to be indexed fully so executing an INSERT directly followed by a SELECT might not include the inserted documents.

Some SQL statements or Elasticsearch features that are not (yet) supported:


Since elasticsearch is a NO-SQL database it does not contain the exact relational objects most people are familiar with (like databases, tables and records). Elasticsearch does however have a similar hierarchy of objects (index, type and document). The conceptual mapping used by sql4es is the following:

Elasticsearch responses, both search results and aggregations, are put into a ResultSet implementation. Any nested objects are 'exploded' into a lateral view by default; this means that nested objects are treated as joined tables which are put inside the he same row (see this page for explanation). It is possible to represent nested objects as a nested ResultSet, see the Configuration section. Note, that although objects are exploded, arrays with primitives are not! They are put in a java.sql.Array implementation supported by JDBC.

Sql4es works from an active index/alias which means that it resolves references to types from this index. If for example myIndex is currently active the query SELECT FROM sometype will only return any results if sometype is part of myindex. Executing a SELECT on a type that does not exist within an index will return an empty result. It is possible to change the active index by executing USE [otherIndex]* as described below.


This section describes how SQL is interpreted and converted into SE statements. The presto parser is used to parse SQL statements, please see the syntax definition on the presto website.


/* basic syntax */
SELECT [field (AS alias)] FROM [types] WHERE [condition] GROUP BY [fields] HAVING [condition] ORDER BY [field (ASC|DESC)] LIMIT [number]
/* the following wil explode any nested objects into a lateral view */
SELECT * from mytype

SELECT _id as id, myInt, myString FROM mytype WHERE myInt >= 3 OR (myString IN ('hello','hi','bye') AND myInt <= 3)

/* If nestedDoc contains 2 fields the result will be exploded to [myInt,nestedDoc.field1, nestedDoc.field2] */
SELECT myInt, nestedDoc FROM mytype WHERE myInt > 3 AND myString <> 'bye'

/* If the array contains 3 objects the resultset will contain 3 rows, despite the LIMIT used! */
SELECT array_of_nested_objects FROM mytype LIMIT 1


Only types part of the active index or alias can be addressed in the FROM clause. An alias must be created if types from different indices must be accessed in a single query (see CREATE VIEW for alias creation). The query cache is the only exception to this rule. When the query cache identifier (default 'query_cache') is used within FROM it indicates the use of the query cache. Whenever present a query is fetched from the cache rather than executed which minimizes query time in case of time consuming queries.

/* fetch some data from type */
SELECT DISTINCT field, count(1) FROM type, query_cache
/* exactly the same as above but now also hitting the query cache */
SELECT DISTINCT field, count(1) FROM type

Text matching, search and scoring

By default queries are executed as a filter which means elasticsearch does not scores the results and they are returned in an arbitrary order. Add '_score' as one of the selected columns in order to change this behaviour and request scoring. By default results are returned sorted on _score DESC (can be changed to ORDER BY _score ASC). Ordering on another field will disable scoring! In addition it is possible to get the id and type of a document by specifying _id and _type respectively.

Sql4es does not make a difference between searching and matching on textual fields. Behaviour totally depends on the analysis (if any) performed on the textual field being queried/searched. Under the hood a couple of simple rules are used to determine what type of query should be use:

In addition it is possible to execute a regular search with all features supported by ES. Searching is done by executing a match on the fictional field '_search' (see examples below). It is possible to request highlights for any text field using the highlight function like: SELECT highlight(field), … Fragment size and number can be set through the global configuration.

/* term query */
SELECT _score, myString FROM mytype WHERE myString = 'hello' OR myString = 'there'
/* Same as above */
SELECT _score, myString FROM mytype WHERE myString IN ('hello', 'there')
/* use of NOT; find all documents which do not contain 'hello' or 'there' */
SELECT _score, myString FROM mytype WHERE NOT myString IN ('hello', 'there')

/* check for NULL values (missing fields) */
SELECT myInt FROM mytype WHERE myString NOT NULL
SELECT myInt FROM mytype WHERE myString IS NULL

/* phrase query */
SELECT _score, highlight(myString), myString FROM mytype WHERE myString = 'hello there'
/* wildcard query */
SELECT _score, myString FROM mytype WHERE myString = 'hel%'
/* a search for exactly the same as the first two */
SELECT _score, highlight(mystirng) FROM mytype WHERE _search = 'myString:(hello OR there)'

Get document by _id

It is possible to execute searches for document id's by specifying '=' or IN predicates on the _id field. It is possible to combine the match on an _id with other fields but matching multiple _id should always be done using IN.

SELECT * FROM mytype WHERE _id = 'whatever_id'
SELECT * FROM mytype WHERE _id = 'whatever_id' AND myInt > 3
SELECT * FROM mytype WHERE _id = 'whatever_id' OR _id = 'another_ID' /* WRONG */
SELECT * FROM mytype WHERE _id IN ('whatever_id', 'another_ID') /* CORRECT */


Sql4es will request an aggregation whenever it finds a DISTINCT, GROUP BY or aggregation functions (MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG or COUNT) are requested without any normal fields. No search results are returned whenever an aggregation is requested.

Sql4es supports some basic arithmetic functions: *, /, +, - and % (modulo). It is also possible to combine different fields from the resultset within a calculation like AVG(field)/100 and SUM(field)/count(1). Note that within the current implementation these calculations are performed within the driver once data has been fetched from Elasticsearch. It is possible to refer to values in other rows within functions using brackets [offset]. For example SUM(volume)/SUM(volume)[-1] will devide the sum of volume column for row X with the value in row X-1. If a value cannot be calculated, for example row number 0 in the example above, it will get value Float.NaN.

/* Aggregates on a boolean and returns the sum of an int field in desc order */
SELECT myBool, sum(myInt) as summy FROM mytype GROUP BY myBool ORDER BY summy DESC

/* This is the same as above */
SELECT DISTINCT myBool, sum(myInt) as summy ROM mytype ORDER BY summy DESC

/* Aggregates on a boolean and returns the sum of an int field only if it is larger than 1000 */
SELECT myBool, sum(myInt) as summy ROM mytype GROUP BY myBool HAVING sum(myInt) > 1000

/* Gets the average of myInt in two different ways... */
SELECT myBool, sum(myInt)/count(1) as average, avg(myInt) FROM mytype GROUP BY myBool

/* Calculates the percentage of growth of the myInt value acros increasing dates */
SELECT myDate, sum(myInt)/sum(myInt)[-1]*100 FROM mytype GROUP BY myDate ORDER BY myDate ASC

/* aggregation on all documents without a DISTINCT or GROUP BY */
SELECT count(*), SUM(myInt) from mytype

/* the following will NOT WORK, a DISTINCT or GROUP BY on mytext is required */
SELECT mytext, count(*), SUM(myInt) from mytype

Some notes on SELECT:


Explain can be used to view the elasticsearch query executed for a SELECT statement by executing:

EXPLAIN [SELECT statement]


Sql4es uses an active index/alias. By default this is the index/alias specified within the URL used to get the connection (if any). It is possible to change the active index/alias by executing:

USE [index / alias]

All subsequent statements will be executed from the specified index/alias. This action only influences the driver and has no effect on Elasticsearch


Sql4es supports creation of indices, types (create table) and aliases (create view). These statements require knowledge of ES mechanics like mappings, type definitions and aliases.

CREATE TABLE (index.)type ([field] "[field definition]" (, [field2])...) WITH (property="value" (, property2=...) )

This creates a mapping for [type] within the currently active index or in the index specified using dot notation. Whenever dotnotation is used it is assumed the part before the first dot refers to the index. If the index specified already exists it just adds the type to this index.

The field definition is the json definition put in the mapping without quoting the json elements! A string type can be defined as follows: CREATE TABLE mytype (stringField "type:string, index:analyzed, analyzer:dutch"). Any mapping elements, like templates, can be set using the WITH clause (see example below). All these json parts will be quoted properly and mashed together into a mapping request.

/* creates a mapping for mytype within newindex with a template to store any strings without analysis */
CREATE TABLE index.mytype (
    myInt "type:integer",
    myDate "type:date, format:yyyy-MM-dd"
    myString "type:string, index:analyzed, analyzer:dutch"
) WITH (
    default_mapping: { 
        match: *,
        match_mapping_type: string, 
        mapping: {type: string, index: not_analyzed }

An empty index can be created using CREATE TABLE index.type (_id "type:string"). The _id field is omitted because it is a standard ES field.

CREATE TABLE (index.)type AS SELECT ...

Creates a new index/type based on the results of a SELECT statement. The new fieldnames are taken from the SELECT, it is possible to use column-aliases to influence the fieldnames. For example CREATE TABLE myaverage AS SELECT avg(somefield) AS average will result in a new type myaverage within the currently active index with a single Double field called 'average'. Note that this is a two step process taking place at the driver. First the query is executed and secondly the index is created and results are written (in bulk) to the new type.

/*Create another index with a type mapping based on the mapping created before*/
CREATE TABLE index.mytype AS SELECT myDate as date, myString as text FROM anyType

/* create a type with a (possibly expensive to calculate) aggregation result */
CREATE TABLE index.myagg AS SELECT myField, count(1) AS count, sum(myInt) AS sum from anyType GROUP BY myField ORDER BY count DESC

*CREATE VIEW [alias] AS SELECT FROM index1 (, [index2])... (WHERE [condition])

Creates a new ES alias containing the specified indexes or adds the indexes to an existing alias. The optional WHERE clause adds a filter on the index-alias pairs specified. See the elasticsearch documentation for information on aliases

DROP TABEL [index] / DROP VIEW [alias]

Removes the specified index or alias

/*Create an elasticsearch alias which includes two indexes with their types */
CREATE VIEW newalias AS SELECT * FROM newindex, newindex2

/* Same as above but with a filter*/
CREATE VIEW newalias AS SELECT * FROM newindex, newindex2 WHERE myInt > 99

/*Use the alias so it can be queried*/
USE newalias

/* removes myindex and remove newalias */
DROP TABLE myindexindex
DROP VIEW newalias


Describes inserting and deleting data through sql

INSERT INTO (index.)type ([field1], [field2]...) VALUES ([value1], [value2], ...), ([value1], ...), …

Adds one or more documents to the specified type within the index. Fields must be defined and the number of values must match the number of fields defined. It is possible to add multiple documents within a single INSERT statement. It is possible to specify the _id field within the insert statement. In this case it will force elasticsearch to insert the specified document id. The insert acts as an UPDATE if the _id already exists! It is not possible to insert nested objects as they cannot be specified in the SQL language.

INSERT INTO (index.)type SELECT …

Adds all of the results from the SELECT statement to the specified type within the index. Fieldnames to insert are taken from the result (i.e. column aliases can be used). Note that, similar to the 'CREATE TABLE .. AS SELECT' the results are pulled into the driver and then indexed (using Bulk).

/* Insert two documents into the mytype mapping */
INSERT INTO mytype (myInt, myDouble, myString) VALUES (1, 1.0, 'hi there'), (2, 2.0, 'hello!')

/* insert a single document, using quotes around nested object fields */
INSERT INTO mytype (myInt, myDouble, "nestedObject.myString") VALUES (3, 3.0, 'bye, bye')

/* update or insert a document with specified _id */
INSERT INTO mytype (_id, myInt, myDouble) VALUES ('some_document_id', 4, 4.0)

/* copy records from anotherindex.mytype to myindex.mytype that meet a certain condition */
USE anotherindex
INSERT INTO myindex.mytype SELECT * from newtype WHERE myInt < 3 

DELETE FROM type (WHERE [condition])

Deletes all documents from the specified type that meet the condition. If no WHERE clause is specified all documents will be removed. As Elasticsearch can only delete documents based on their _id which means that this statement is executed in two steps. First collect all _id's from documents that meet the condition, secondly delete those documents using the bulk API

/* delete documents that meet a certain condition*/
DELETE FROM mytype WHERE myInt == 3

/*delete all documents from mytype*/


It is possible to update documents within an index/type using standard SQL syntax. Note that nested object names must be surrounded by double quotes:

UPDATE index.type SET field1=value, fiedl2='value', "doc.field"=value WHERE condition

The update is executed in two steps. First the _id's of all documents matching the condition are fetched after which the specified fields for these documents are updated in batch using the Upsert API.


It is possible to set parameters through the provided url. All parameters are exposed to elastic search as well which means that is is possible to set Client parameters, see elasticsearch docs. The following driver specific parameters can be set:

Example using SQLWorkbenchJ

SQLWorkbenchJ is a SQL GUI that can be used to access an Elasticsearch cluster using the sql4es driver. Follow the steps below to set it up and execute the example statements.

  1. download SQLWorkbenchJ for your platform from the website
  2. Install SQLWorkbencJ and open it
  3. Add the SQL4ES driver:
    1. click 'Manage Drivers' in the bottom left corner
    2. click the blank document icon on the left to add a new driver
    3. Give the driver a descriptive name (sql4es for example)
    4. point the Library to the sql4es jar file on your system (found within the release directory of the project)
    5. set 'nl.anchormen.sql4es.jdbc.ESDriver' as the Classname
    6. set 'jdbc:sql4es://localhost:9300/index' as the sample URL
  4. Click 'Ok' to save the configuration
  5. Add a new database connection using the sql4es driver
    1. click the 'create new connection profile' button in the top
    2. give the profile a descriptive name
    3. specify the sql4es driver added before
    4. specify the url of your Elasticsearch 2.X cluster using the index 'myindex' ('jdbc:sql4es://'
    5. click the save button on the top
  6. Select the created profile and click 'Ok' to create the connection
    1. An empty workbench will open when everything is ok.
  7. Copy the statements below into the workbench
  8. Execute the statements one by one and view the results. A brief description of each statement can be found below the SQL statements
    1. Running all the statements as a sequence works as well but will not provide any results for the SELECT statements because the cluster is still indexing the inserts when they are being executed (remember, elasticsearch is not a relational database!)
INSERT INTO mytype (myLong, myDouble, myDate, myText) VALUES (1, 1.25, '2016-02-01', 'Hi there!'),(10, 103.234, '2016-03-01', 'How are you?');

SELECT * FROM mytype;
SELECT _score, myLong, myText FROM mytype WHERE myText = 'hi' AND myDate > '2016-01-01';

EXPLAIN SELECT _score, myLong, myText FROM mytype WHERE myText = 'hi' AND myDate > '2016-01-01';

CREATE TABLE myindex2.mytype2 AS SELECT myText, myLong*10 as myLong10, myDouble FROM mytype;

DELETE FROM mytype WHERE myDouble = 1.25;
USE myindex2;
SELECT * FROM mytype2;
CREATE VIEW myview AS SELECT * FROM myindex, myindex2 WHERE myDouble > 2;
USE myview;
SELECT * FROM mytype, mytype2;
drop view myview;
drop table myindex;
drop table myindex2;
  1. insert two documents into the new type called mytype (the type will be created and mapping will be done dynamically by elasticsearch). Check the DatabaseExplorer option to view the mapping created.

  2. show all documents present in mytype

  3. execute a search and show the score

  4. show the Elasticsearch query performed for the search

  5. create a new index and a new type based on the documents in mytype. Note that mytype2 has some different fieldnames than the type it was created of.

  6. delete some documents

  7. make the newly created index 'myindex2' the active one

  8. show all documents within mytype2

  9. create a view (alias) for myindex and myindex2 with a filter

  10. make the newly created view the active one

  11. select all documents present within the view, note that:

  12. not all documents are shown due to the filter on the alias

  13. some of the fields are empty because the two types queried the empty fields because the two types have a couple of different fields (myDate, myLong and myLong10)