AncientSwordRage / nWoD-db

Web app for creating new world of darkness characters and browsing character data (Mage spells, vampire disciplines merits, etc)
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Web app for creating new world of darkness characters and browsing character data (Mage spells, vampire disciplines merits, etc)

To do

  1. Model References to 'character' should be changed to use Generic Foreign Keys
  2. Change nWoDCharacter to Characteristics, and use GFKs. Done better than this....
  3. Limit GFKs to playable templates
  4. Implement bulk upload of spell data
  5. Add serialization
  6. Add values to serialization of Traits (Skills etc)
  7. Nest traits by priority in progress
  8. Implement Swagger
  9. Create serialization for spells
  10. Improve Spell model
  11. Review Character models - Should each template be a proxy model and access a template via foreign key? Then specific functionality (spells, arcana etc) be accessed by @property function defs
  12. Implement angular ui