AndRossi / Kelpie

XAI framework for interpreting Link Predictions on Knowledge Graphs
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Kelpie is a post-hoc local explainability tool specifically tailored for embedding-based models that perform Link Prediction (LP) on Knowledge Graphs (KGs).

Kelpie provides a simple and effective interface to identify the most relevant facts to any prediction; intuitively, when explaining a tail prediction <h, r, t>, Kelpie identifies the smallest set of training facts mentioning h that are instrumental to that prediction; analogously, a head prediction <h, r, t> would be explained with a combination of the training facts mentioning t.

Kelpie Structure

Kelpie is structured in a simple architecture based on the interaction of three modules. When explaining a tail prediction <h, r, t>:

The modules would work analogously to explain a head prediction. The only module that requires awareness of how the original Link Prediction model is trained and implemented is the Relevance Engine. While theoreticaly specific connectors could be developed to to adapt to pre-existing models, in our research we have found it easier to make the Relevance Engine directly interact with Kelpie-compatible implementations of the models.


Kelpie Explanations

Under the broad definition described above, Kelpie supports two explanation scenarios: necessary explanations and sufficient explanations.

Environment and Prerequisites

We have run all our experiments on an Ubuntu 18.04.5 environment using Python 3.7.7, CUDA Version: 11.2 and Driver Version: 460.73.01. Kelpie requires the following libraries:

Models and Datasets

The formulation of Kelpie supports any Link Prediction models based on embeddings. For the sake of simplicity in our implementation we focus on models that train on individual facts, as these are the vast majority in literature. Nonetheless, our implementation can be extended to identify fact-based explanations for other models too, e.g., models that leverage contextual information such as paths, types, or temporal data.

We run our experiments on three models that rely on very different architectures: ComplEx, ConvE and TransE. We provide implementations for these models in this repository. We explaining their predictions on the 5 best-established datasets in literature, i.e., FB15k, WN18, FB15k-237, WN18RR and YAGO3-10. The training, validation and test sets of such datasets are distributed in this repository in the data folder.

Training and Testing Our Models

For the sake of reproducibility, we make available through FigShare the .pt model files resulting from training each system on each dataset. To run any of the experiments of our paper, the .pt files of all the trained models should bw downloaded and stored in a new folder Kelpie/stored_models.

For our models and datasets we use following hyperparameters, which we have found to lead to the best performances.


Note that:

After the models have been trained, their evaluation yields the following metrics:


The training and evaluation processes can be launched with the commands reported in our training and testing section.

Paper Experiments Results (Paper Tables 3 and 4)

We report here the experiments included in our paper, indicating the figure or tables they refer to.

End-to-end Experiments (Paper Tables 3 and 4)

We showcase the effectiveness of Kelpie by explaining, for each model and dataset, the tail predictions of a set of 100 correctly predicted test facts both in necessary and in sufficient scenario. The .csv files containing the facts we explain for each model and dataet can be found in the input_facts folder. We report result files for each model and dataset, both extracted by Kelpie and by the baseline approaches, both in the necessary and for the sufficient scenario, in the archive in our repository.

Across the necessary and sufficient scenarios for the same model and dataset we usually employ the same set of 100 correctly predicted test facts. The only exception in this regard is in the ConvE explanations for FB15k and FB15k-237 predictions: in these cases, a few <h, r, t> predictions used in necessary explanations could not be explained sufficiently because, due to strong dataset biases, all entities in the dataset would be predicted correctly if used instead of h. This made it impossible to extract a set of c entities to convert, because any entity would appear already converted without applying any sufficient explanation. We thus replaced these predictions for the sufficient scenario, obtaining created two different version _nec and _suff for the input facts file.

Kelpie relies on a Post-Training technique to generate mimics and compute the relevance of potential explanations. Across all models and datasets, we always use, for the Post-Training, the same combination of hyperparameters used in the original training. The only exception is TransE, where the batch size B is particularly large (2048, which usually exceeds by far the number of training facts featuring an entity). This affects the Post-Training process because in any Post-Training epoch the entity would only benefit from one optimization step in each epoch. We easily balance this by increasing the learning rate LR to 0.01 in TransE Post-Trainings. In order to replicate our experiments, the .pt model files should be located in a stored_models folder inside Kelpie.

Kelpie experiments are based on the execution of two separate scripts:

The script also accepts an optional --baseline parameter whose acceptable values are data_poisoning or criage; using this parameter allows to estract results for our baselines instead of Kelpie.

We report here our end-to-end results for necessary explanations. We measure the effectiveness of necessary explanations by measuring how removing the explanation facts (and re-training the model) worsens the H@1 and MRR metrics of the predictions to explain, compared to the original model: the greater the decrease, the more effective the explanation (i.e., the "more necessary" the explanation facts actually were). Therefore, in this scenario, the more negative the ΔH@1 and ΔMRR values, the better the explanation effectiveness.

end to end necessary experiment

We report here our end-to-end results for sufficient explanations. We add the explanation facts to 10 random entities and verify if, after re-training the model, they display the same predicted entity as in the prediction to explain, i.e., if they have been converted. In practice, we measure the explanation effectiveness by checking the increase in H@1 and MRR of the predictions to convert, (i.e., the facts that we hope the system now predicts) after adding the explanation facts and retraining, compared to their metrics in the original model; the greater the increase, the more effective the explanation (i.e., the "more sufficient" the explanation facts actually were to convert those entities). Therefore, in this scenario, the more positive the ΔH@1 and ΔMRR values, the better the explanation effectiveness.

end to end sufficient experiment

Our experiments on each model and dataset can be replicated with the commands reported in our section on extracting and verifying explanations.

Extracted Explanation Lengths (Paper Table 5)

We report in the following charts the lengths of the explanations extracted in our end-to-end experiments. More specifically, we report their distribution for each model and dataset, both in the necessary and in the sufficient scenario. In our experiments, we limit ourselves to explanations with maximum length 4.

Distribution of explanation lengths for the ComplEx model:

complex explanation lengths

Distribution of explanation lengths for the ConvE model:

conve explanation lengths

Distribution of explanation lengths for the TransE model:

transe explanation lengths

We observe that, under the same model and dataset, necessary explanations tend to always be longer than sufficient ones. This is intuitively reasonable, because while necessary explanations need to encompass all the pieces of evidence that allow a prediction, whereas sufficient explanation can just focus on the few "most decisive" ones. Let us consider, for example, the tail prediction <_BarackObama, nationality, USA>. A necessary explanation would probably feature multiple _BarackObama facts, e.g., <_BarackObama, _presidentof, USA> and <_BarackObama, _partof, _109𝑡ℎ_USCongress>. On the contrary, a sufficient explanation in this case is a set of fact that, if added to any non-American entity c, converts it into having nationality USA: for this purpose, it is probably enough to just add to c the single fact <c, _presidentof, USA>.

Minimality Experiments (Paper Table 6)

To demonstrate that the explanations extracted by Kelpie are indeed the smallest sets of facts that disable a prediction (in the necessary scenario) or transfer it to other entities (in the sufficient scenario), we run a series of minimality experiments. For each model, dataset and scenario, we take into account the end-to-end extracted explanations and we sub-sample them randomly. Then, we check the effectiveness of the sub-sampled explanations, and we measure the loss in effectiveness with respect to the effectiveness of the "full" explanation; this amounts to measure the fraction of lost H@1 and MRR variation in proportion to the variation obtained when using the "full" explanations.

We report the outcomes in the following table, showing that the sub-sampled explanations are always significantly less effective than the "full" ones.

end to end repeat experiment

Experiment Repetitions

In order to increase the confidence and assess the reliability of the observations from our end-to-end results, we repeat part of our experiments 10 times, using each time a different sample of 100 tail predictions to explain. Due to the time-consuming process of retraining the model from scratch after each extraction is over (which is needed to measure the effectiveness of the extracted explanations) repeating 10 times our entire set of end-to-end experiments would take several months. For the time being we have just repeated the ComplEx experiments in the necessary scenario; this corresponds to running 10 times the explanation extraction of Kelpie and of our baselines K1, Data Poisoning and Criage on the 5 datasets FB15k, FB15k-237, WN18, WN18RR and YAGO3-10. Altogether, this amounts to 4x5x10 = 200 explanation extractions and model retrainings. In each extraction 100 tail predictions are explained, for a total of 20000 extracted explanations. We report in the following table, for each method and dataset, the average and the standard deviation of the corresponding ΔH@1 and ΔMRR values:

end to end repeat experiment

We report in bold the best average ΔH@1 and ΔMRR values in each dataset. The average ΔH@1 and ΔMRR values obtained across these 10 repeats are similar to those obtained in the original end-to-end experiment: a bit worse (less negative) for FB15k, FB15k-237 and YAGO3-10, a bit better (more negative) for WN18, and almost identical in WN18RR. When such variations occur, they equally invest the effectiveness of both Kelpie and the baselines: as a consequence the gap in effectiveness between Kelpie and its baselines remains almost identical across all datasets, with Kelpie always achieving the best effectiveness both in terms of ΔH@1 and ΔMRR. All in all, this confirms our observations from the original experiment.

We share the output files with the results of our experiment repetitions in this repository, as part of the compressed archive

Additional Experiments Results

We discuss in this section additional experiments that we could not include in our paper due to space constraints. We share their output files in this repository in the compressed archive

Explanation Builder: Acceptance Threshold (necessary scenario)

We report here our study how varying the values of the acceptance threshold ξn0 affects the results of Kelpie necessary explanations.

For any necessary candidate explanation X, the relevance ξnXn is the expected rank worsening associated to Xn: therefore, makes sense to set the acceptance threshold ξn0 at least to 1. We observe that using just slightly larger ξn0 values grants a larger margin of error in the rank worsening expectation, resulting in overall more effective explanations; on the other hand, this can increase research times. All in all, ξn0 can be seen as a parameter to tweak in order to find the best trade-off between the certainty to worsen the rank of the prediction to explain and the computation time.

For each model and dataset we report in the following table how the effectiveness of the extracted necessary explanations varies when using three different ξn0 values: 1 (the smallest sensible choice), 5, and 10. We follow the same pipeline as in our end-to-end experiments: we extract the explanations, remove their facts from the training set, and retrain the model to measure the worsening in the H@1 and MRR of the predictions to explain.

ξ_n0 variation experiment

Unsurprisingly, the most effective results are often associated to ξn0=10. Nonetheless, while switching from ξn0=1 to ξn0=5 leads to a significant improvement, ξn0=5 and ξn0=10 results are usually similar. In other words, once the room for some margin of error is provided, the rank worsening usually reaches a plateau, and further increasing ξn0 does not heavily affect results anymore. This motivates our choice to use ξn0=5 in our end-to-end experiments, as we think it provides the best trade-off overall.

Pre-Filtering: k value

The Kelpie Pre-Filter module is used at the beginning of the explanation extraction to identify the most promising facts with respect to the prediction to explain. Its purpose is to narrow down the space of candidate explanations to combinations of the top k most promising facts, thus making the research more feasible. In all the end-to-end experiments we use k = 20; we show here the effect of varying the value of k on the explanations for the ComplEx model predictions:


Across all datasets, varying k does not cause huge variations. This suggests that the topology-based policy used by the Pre-Filter does indeed identify the most promising facts: in other words, if the pre-filter is good at fiding and placing the most promising facts at the top of its ranking, it does not matter if we analyze the top 10, 20 or 30 facts in the ranking: the facts that we need will still make the cut.

In WN18, WN18RR and YAGO3-10 the effect of varying k seems rather negligible (as a matter of fact, they are so small they may be more tied to the inherent randomness of the embedding training process than to the variation of k). This can be explained by considering that in these datasets, entities are usually featured in just a feew training facts: in average, 6.9 in WN18, 4.3 IN WN18RR and 17.5 in YAGO3-10. In FB15k and FB15k-237, on the contrary, entities tend to have far more mentions in training (in average, 64.5 in FB15k and 37.4 in FB15k-237): this makes the choice of the value of k more relevant, so and varying it leads to slightly more visible consequences. In this cases, as a general rule, greater values of k lead to better or equal explanations, at the cost of extending the research space.

We do not witness any cases in which increasing k to more than 20 leads to astounding improvements in the explanation relevance: this confirms that 20 is indeed a fine trade-off for the Pre-Filter value.

Topology-based vs Type-based Pre-Filtering

The Pre-Filtering module used in our end-to-end experiments identifies the most promising training facts with a topology-based approach. Recent works have highlighted that leveraging the types of entities can be beneficial in other tasks that use KG embeddings, such as fact-checking. Therefore, we design a type-based Pre-Filtering approach and compare the effectiveness of the resulting explanations with the effectiveness of those obtained with the usual topology-based method.

In the best-established datasets for Link Prediction, i.e., FB15k, FB15k-237, WN18, WN18RR and YAGO3-10 the types of entities are not reported explicitly, therefore a type-based Pre-Filtering approach can not be applied directly. To get around this issue, we observe that generally the type of an entity closely affects the relations that the entity is involved with. For example, a person entity will probably be mentioned in facts with relations like "_bornin", "_livesin", or "_hasprofession"; on the contrary a place entity will generally be featured in facts with relations like "_locatedin" or "contains". For each entity e we thus build a relation frequency vector that contains the numbers of times each relation is featured in a fact mentioning e. More specifically, in the vector built for any entity e, for each relation r we store separately the frequency of r in facts where e is head and the frequency of r in facts where e is tail. In this way, we obtain a representation of the use of relations across the outbound and inbound edges adjacent to e. For any entity e, we can then find the most entities with a similar type by just comparing the vector of e with the vector of any other entity with cosine-similarity.

We use this approach to build a type-based Pre-Filter module that, explaining any tail prediction <h, r, t>, computes the promisingness of any fact featuring h <h, s, e> or <e, s, h> by the cosine-similarity between e and t. In simple terms, the more a fact featuring h is linked to an entity similar to t, the more promising it is to explain the tail prediction <h, r, t>. An analogous formulation can be used to explain head predictions.

We report in the following table the effectiveness of the explanations obtained using the topology-based Pre-Filter and the type-based Pre-Filter:


The two Pre-Filters tend to produce very similar results: none of the two is evidently superior to the other.The reason for such similar results is that both Pre-Filters tend to consistently place the "best" facts (i.e, the ones that are actually most relevant to explain the prediction) within the top k promising ones. Therefore, in both cases the Relevance Engine, with its post-training methodology, will identify the same relevant facts among the extracted k ones, and the framework will ultimately yield the same (or very similar) explanations. In this analysis we have used k=20, as in our end-to-end experiments.

Explanation Builder: Comparison with Shapley Values and KernelSHAP

Recently, explainability approaches based on Shapley Values have gained traction in XAI due to their theoretical backing derived from Game Theory. Shapley Values can be used to convey the saliency of combinations of input features; however, computing the exact Shapley Values for the combinations of features of an input sample would require to perturbate all of such combinations one by one, and to verify each time the effect on the prediction to explain. This is clearly unfeasible in most scenarios. The authors of "A Unified Approach to Interpreting Model Predictions" (NIPS 2017) have proposed a SHAP framework which provides a number of ways to approximate Shapley Values instead of computing them precisely; among the novel approaches they introduce, KernelSHAP is the only truly model-agnostic one.

Unfortunately neither exact Shapley Values nor KernelSHAP can be used directly on Link Prediction models. Like any saliency-based approach, they formulate explanations in terms of which features of the input sample have been most relevant to the prediction to explain; in the case of Link Prediction, the input of any prediction is a triple of embeddings, so the features are the components of such embeddings. Since embeddings are just numeric vectors they are not human-interpretable, and thus their most relevant components would not be informative from a human point of view.

Kelpie, however, overcomes this issue by relying on its Relevance Engine module, which uses post-training to verify the effects of adding or removing training facts from any entity: this allows us to inject perturbations in the training facts of the head or tail entity of the prediction to explain, as if those facts were our interpretable input features. As a consequence, while saliency-based frameworks are not useful in Link Prediction by themselves, they can indeed be combined with the Relevance Engine to take advantage of its post-training method: this amounts to using such such frameworks in replacement of our Explanation Builder to conduct the search in the space of candidate explanations.

We run experiments on 10 TransE predictions on the FB15k dataset, and verify the cost of various exploration approaches in terms of the number of visits in the space of candidate explanations that they perform before termination. This number corresponds to the number of post-trainings they request to the Relevance Engine. We compare the following approaches:

In all the three approaches we perform Pre-Filtering first with using k=20 so the number of training facts to analyze and combine is 20. We report in the following chart our results for each of the predictions to explain (Y axis is in logscale).


As already mentioned, the exact computation of Shapley Values analyzes all combinations of our input features; since in each prediction our Pre-Filter always keeps the 20 most promising facts only, the number of combinations visited by this approach is always the same, in the order of 2^20. Despite not visiting all those combinations, KernelSHAP in our experiments is shown to still require a very large number of visits. More specifically, it performs between 305,706 and 596,037 visits in the space of candidate explanations, with an average of 490,146.6. Finally, our Explanation Builder appears much more efficient, performing between 20 and 170 visits with an average of 70.8.

All in all, our Explanation Builder appears remarkably more efficient than KernelSHAP. On the one hand, our Explanation Builder largely benefits from our preliminary relevance heuristics, which are tailored specifically for the Link Prediction scenario. Our heuristics allow us to start the search in the space of candidate explanations from the combination of facts that will most probably produce the best explanations; this, in turn, enables us to enact early termination policies. On the other hand KernelSHAP, like any general-purpose framework, cannot make any kind of assumptions onthe composition of the search space. We also scknowledge that recent works have raised concerns on the tractability of SHAP in specific domains, e.g., the work by Van den Broeck et al. "On the Tractability of SHAP Explanations" (AAAI 2021).

Adding support for new models

The Relevance Engine is the only component that requires transparent access to the original model. Accessing the original model is required to leverage the pre-existing embeddings, the scoring function, and the training methodology of the underlying embedding mechanism: this allows us to perform the Post-Training process and create mimics of pre-existing entities.

We have developed two main interfaces that must be implemented whenever one wants to add Kelpie support to a new model:

Model interface

The Model interface defines the general behavior expected from any Link Prediction model; Kelpie can explain the predictions of Link Prediction models that extend this interface. Model extends, in turn, the PyTorch nn.Module interface, and it defines very general methods that any Link Prediction model should expose. Therefore, it is usually very easy to adapt the code of any pre-existing models to extend Model.

Any instance of Model subclass is expected to expose the following instance variables:

Any Model subclass should provide implementations for the following methods:

The KelpieModel interface, in turn, extends the Model interface, and defines the behaviour of post-trainable version of a Model. Any KelpieModel implementation refers to a more general Model implementation: e.g., the ComplEx class (which is a Model implementation) has a KelpieComplEx subclass (that extends both ComplEx and KelpieModel). Any Model implementation should know the corresponding KelpieModel class, and return it in the above mentioned kelpie_model_class method. Any KelpieModel instance subclass is expected to expose the following instance variables:

The only methods that KelpieModel classes should implement are overriding versions of predict_samples and predict_sample, that in KelpieModel classes also require the original_mode flag: if set to True, the KelpieModel should perform the prediction using the embedding of the original entity for the samples that mention the id of the original entity; if set to False, the KelpieModel should use the mimic embedding instead.

Optimizer interface

An Optimizer implements a specific training methodology; therefore, the main method in our Optimizer interface is just train.

In our project, we have implemented a separate Optimizer class for each Loss function required by our models: therefore, we currently feature a BCEOptimizer class, a MultiClassNLLOptimizer class, and a PairwiseRankingOptimizer class. Similarly to the relation between Models and KelpieModels, we have also created for each of these Optimizers a separate sub-class that handles post-training instead of traditional training. We have called such sub-classes KelpieBCEOptimizer, KelpieMultiClassNLLOptimizer and KelpiePairwiseRankingOptimizer respectively.

Since these subclasses have identical signature to their respective Optimizers, unlike with Models and KelpieModels we have not created a separate KelpieOptimizer interface. Given an Optimizer, implementing its Kelpie- subclass is immediate: it usually enough to provide an overriding version of the superclass train method, making sure to also update the embedding of the mimic after each epoch calling the update_embeddings method of the KelpieModel that is being post-trained.


To make it easier for the research community to use Kelpie and to replicate our results, we make the following resources available:

Reproducibility Package

We include in this repository a reproducibility package that allows researchers to replicate all of our experiments, and to re-generate all of our tables and charts. Please note that using different software or hardware components might result in slightly different results; nonetheless, the overall observed behaviors should match the trends and conclusions reported in our paper.



Suggestions (not technically required but might make the reproducibility easier):

After cloning this repository (git clone all the dependencies required to run Kelpie can be installed by simply running our script:


PDF Report Generation

It is possible to obtain a PDF report with the results of all our experiments by running the script:


This scripts generates in the Kelpie main folder a PDF report called reproduced_experiments.pdf including the plots and tables for all of our experiments. The PDF report is generated by parsing and analyzing the experiment output files found in the Kelpie/scripts/experiments folder and in its subfolders.

The contents of those folders are initialized with the same output files we obtained in our environment. This allows researchers to replicate our plots and tables instantly, without the need to repeat any experiments. This can particularly useful to verify that the output files of our experiments match our metrics, or when no GPU-equipped servers are not available.

When actually running our experiments (see sections below), our reproducibility scripts automatically replace the files under Kelpie/scripts/experiments with the newly generated output files. This ensures that the generated PDF report is always up-to-date.

Running Paper Experiments

Almost all the results reported in our paper can be replicated by running End-to-end Experiments and Minimality Experiments. More specifically, in our paper:

As suggested in the Ideal Reproducibility Guidelines by the SIGMOD committee, we provide a single script that allows to repeat the whole body of experiments reported in our paper, i.e., all End-to-end Experiments and all Minimality Experiments.


However we heavily discourage repeating the complete set of experiments as this can be extremely time-consuming. Even just limiting to the End-to-end Experiments, each of them involve performing explanation extraction and then re-training the model from scratch for explanation verification: in average one End-to-end Experiment can take around 1 day (24h). So, considering that we run these experiments on all combinations of 3 models, 5 datasets, 2 explanation scenarios and 4 systems (Kelpie and its three baselines) this can exceed 4 months of ininterrupted run.

Instead we suggest running a faster selection of representative experiments, that we define in script


This script runs kelpie End-to-end Experiments and Minimality Experiments on the following combinations of models, datasets and scenarios:

We estimate this to correspond to around two weeks of uninterrupted run.

As already mentioned, these scripts automatically replace the output files under Kelpie/scripts/experiments with the newly generated output files. So after running the script, is is sufficient to re-run the PDF generation script to obtain an up-to-date PDF report:


For the sake of completeness we include below detailed guides on how to manually run End-to-end Experiments and Minimality Experiments.

Running Additional Experiments

Some additional experiments were not included in our paper due to space constraints. Specifically:

These experiments are reported in this document instead.

Similarly to the experiments reported in the paper, they can be run on all the models, datasets and scenarios via the script


Similarly to the paper experiments, we heavily discourage using this script. Repeating the complete set of additional experiments is very time-consuming too, and in our estimates it can exceed 60 days of uninterrupted computation. For the additional experiments too we have selected a more feasible subset of experiments in the script


By running that script, the following experiments will be run:

We estimate this to correspond to around one week of uninterrupted run. As already mentioned, these scripts automatically replace the output files under Kelpie/scripts/experiments with the newly generated output files. So after running the script, is is sufficient to re-run the PDF generation script to obtain an up-to-date PDF report.

For the sake of completeness we include below detailed guides on how to manually run additional experiments, namely Necessary Relevance Threshold Experiments, Pre-Filter Threshold Experiments and Pre-Filter Type Experiments.

Running Kelpie Experiments From Scratch

Training and testing models

The training and evaluation processes can be launched with the following commands:

End-to-end experiments

We report in this section how to use extract explanations for a trained model, and how to verify their effectiveness. To run the following commands, the .ptfile of the saved model needs to be avaiable in folder Kelpie/stored_models.

Each end-to-end experiment is composed of two separate steps:

Minimality Experiments

The minimality experiments verify if the extracted explanations are indeed the smallest effective combinations of facts. To check if an explanation is minimal, these experiments randomly remove a subset of its facts before applying it to the training set and verifying its effectiveness. Note that minimality experiments can only be performed on Kelpie, and not on its baselines: this is due to Kelpie being the only system that extracts explanations longer than 1.

The minimality experiments are very similar to the end-to-end ones, as they also involve an explanation extraction step and an explanation verification step.

For the sake of simplicity, we only report here the explanation verification commands, as the explanation extraction ones are identical to those already reported for the explanation extraction step:

Additional Experiments

We report here the commands to run our additional experiments.

Relevance Threshold Experiment

This experiment investigates how varying the necessary relevance threshold affects the effectiveness of the extracted explanations. The necessary relevance threshold ξ can be tweaked by just appending the ´--relevance_threshold´ argument to the already reported end-to-end explanation extraction commands. The explanation verification commands remain the same as in the analogous end-to-end experiments.

For the sake of completeness we report here the explanation extraction commands for values 1 and 10 of the relevance threshold ξ. Note that the default value of ξ, i.e., the value used in the normal end-to-end experiments, is 5.

Prefilter Threshold Analysis

This experiment investigates how varying the Pre-Filter threshold k affects the effectiveness of the extracted explanations. The Pre-Filter threshold k can be tweaked by appending the --prefilter_threshold argument to the already reported end-to-end explanation extraction commands. The explanation verification commands remain the same as in the analogous end-to-end experiments.

For the sake of completeness we report here the explanation extraction commands for values 10 and 30 of the Pre-Filter threshold k. Note that the default value of k, i.e., the value used in the normal end-to-end experiments, is 20.

Prefilter Type Comparison

This experiment compares the effectiveness of explanations extracted using two types of Pre-Filter: one based on the graph topology, and the other based on entity types.

As before, the Pre-Filter type can be chosen adding the --prefilter_type argument to the already reported end-to-end explanation extraction commands; the explanation verification commands remain the same as in the analogous end-to-end experiments in this case too.

For the sake of completeness we report here the explanation extraction commands to use the type-based Pre-Filter type with model ComplEx. We do not report commands for the topology-based Pre-Filter because it is the default choice and is thus the one used in the already reported end-to-end experiments.