3wConverter tool is used to:
To compile this software is needed the Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler with cmake and git support.
This software was tested with version 2019 of Visual Studio.
To download all needed library and compile the program run script: dV3wConverter.cmd
This script assumes that Visual Studio IDE is installed in "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE" directory.
You can adjust this by changing the variable MSVSIDE at line 18 in dV3wConverter.cmd file.
The git utility is needed to download all necessary library.
The script try to use a git version supplied with Visual Studio but it sometimes fail for no reason.
To disable using Visual Studio git version comment out line 22 in dV3wConverter.cmd file (by adding at beginning of this line REM) and install git for Windows.
dV3wConvertre ([/W] | [/G]) [/Y] ( | [-]) (
dV3wConvertre ([/PW] | [/PG]) ( | [-]) <com port[:com speed]>
Input or/and output file can be "-" to read or write to stdin or stdout.
Extracting GCODE from 3w file:
dV3wConvertre /W [/Y] Input_3w_File Output_GCODE_File [Output_Prefix_File]
Creating 3w file from GCODE:
dV3wConvertre /G [/Y] Input_GCODE_File Output_3w_File [Input_Prefix_File]
For creating 3w file the 3w file prefix is needed. If the 3w file prefix is not specified on the command line it is assumed that it is given at beginning of input file.
Printing 3W file:
dV3wConvertre /PW Input_3w_File com12
Printing GCODE file:
dV3wConvertre /PG Input_GCODE_File com12
Switch list: