AndersSchmidtHansen / TheStartupJigsaw

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The Startup Jigsaw - Pieces

Startup insights and nuggets from various sources. Find them in the Issues Area.

The Archetype Startup

Note: This is just an experiment of putting together the many startup jigsaw pieces in order to see if it can form some kind of framework for a potentially successful tech startup. It's a constant work in progress, so don't just jump aboard without thinking. Also, most of this is relevant to startups who have yet to find product/market fit, so young startups are the focal point here.

The Methodology

Is pretty straihtforward. Take pieces of the TONS of startup advice out there and smash them together here in order to (maybe) discover patterns.

Without any furthe ado.

The prototypical successful startup seems to think and act in the following ways":

The Idea...

The Market

The Founder(s)...

The CEO...

The Product...

The Team...

The Execution...

Not yet organized