Andoramb / i2c_2_mqtt

Basic script to interact with I2C relays on a Raspberry Pi through MQTT
GNU General Public License v3.0
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:satellite: Welcome I2C Relay to MQTT! :electric_plug:

This repo can be used to control a Dockerpi relay hat for the Raspberry Pi over MQTT, but it might work for other I2C-type relays.

To get started, even before this repo, check this nice tutorial page.

Basic implementation:

Main functions

  1. Fill in the config.yaml with your settings
  2. The script listens on a predefined MQTT topic (command_topic) and forwards the requests to the relays on I2C protocol.
  3. At the same time, if a relay state is changed, it updates the state_topic

Secondary functions

Functionalities of the script :toolbox:

  1. Change the state of the relays based on MQTT messages
  2. Configurable settings for MQTT and I2C addresses
  3. HomeAssistant discovery
  4. Online state monitoring on MQTT -> could be enhanced
  5. Configurable service template for autostart on boot -> could be enhanced
  6. Last will messages on MQTT -> tbd

Get started :rocket:

Are you interested? Cool, let's go:

  1. Clone the repo -> git clone
  2. Install prerequisites with pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Fill in config.yaml, according to your needs (explanation in the file itself)
  4. Run python3 config.yamland check the output.
    1. Upon succsessful connect, it should output Connected with result code 0 :thumbsup:
    2. The state topic should be online :white_check_mark:
  5. Check MQTT so the states are reported:
    1. Possible values for toggling to ON state: "on", "1", "true", "ON", "TRUE", "True"
    2. Possible values for toggling to OFF state: "off", "0", "false", "OFF", "FALSE", "False"
    3. However, the app will report "on" or "off" string only :bulb:
  6. Optional: HomeAsisstant should register the relay based on device_name from config.yaml :house_with_garden:
  7. Optional: copy the service template to /etc/systemd/system for autostart
    1. Replace username and /path/to/i2c_2_mqtt/ with your data :gear:
    2. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. sudo systemctl enable i2c_2_mqtt.service
    4. :thumbsup:

Future improvements :thought_balloon:

Not sure yet, seems to be working :man_shrugging: