AndreGuo / ITMLUT

Official PyTorch implementation of "Redistributing the Precision and Content in 3D-LUT-based Inverse Tone-mapping for HDR/WCG Display" in CVMP2023 (SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production).
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您好 有个一直以来的疑问 LUT本身作为查表的过程,为什么是可导(可以反向传播)的呢 #3

Open hhkyhhxbc opened 1 month ago

hhkyhhxbc commented 1 month ago

希望大佬能解我心头之惑 ^—^

AndreGuo commented 3 weeks ago


As a "look-up" process, how LUT is differentiable (back-propagatable)?




Take the most commonly-used trilinear interpolation for example, the output value of specific pixel comes from the linear combination of that of 8 adjacent vertices, so the gradient is just the weight.

You can refer to CUDA implementation of trilinear interpolation, where line 241-280 indicate how gradient is computed and line197-239 show how the weights is generated.

Of cause, torch.nn.functional.grid_sample in PyTorch should implement the same thing (see here), you can also refer to their code to see how 'LUT is differentiable'.

And the weights is derived by solving linear equations, take other interpolation e.g. tetrahedral for example, its weights derivation is different form trilinear interpolation, see eq. 2 & 3 in Tetrahedral Interpolation on Regular Grids.




