AndreGuo / ITMLUT

Official PyTorch implementation of "Redistributing the Precision and Content in 3D-LUT-based Inverse Tone-mapping for HDR/WCG Display" in CVMP2023 (SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production).
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Official PyTorch implemeation of "Redistributing the Precision and Content in 3D-LUT-based Inverse Tone-mapping for HDR/WCG Display"(paper(arViv), paper) in CVMP2023 (website, proceedings).

1. A quick glance to all AI-3D-LUT algorithms

Here are all AI-3D-LUT (look-up table) as far as we know (last updated 07/03/2024), please jump to them if interested.

You can cite our paper if you feel this overview helpful.

    author    = {Guo, Cheng and Fan, Leidong and Zhang, Qian and Liu, Hanyuan and Liu, Kanglin and Jiang, Xiuhua},
    title     = {Redistributing the Precision and Content in 3D-LUT-based Inverse Tone-mapping for HDR/WCG Display},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP)},
    month     = {November},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {1-10},
    doi       = {10.1145/3626495.3626503}
AI-3D-LUT algotithms Expressiveness of the trained LUT Output of
neural network(s)
Idea Task Name
Publication Paper
Code Institution #BasicLUT LUT size each (#) Extra dimension
First AI-LUT Image
A3DLUT 20-TPAMI paper code HK_PolyU & DJI Innovation 3×1 3×333 - weights (of basic LUTs) uniform
C SA-LUT-Nets ICCV'21 paper - Huawei Noah's Ark Lab 10 3×333 (10) category weights & category map
CLUT-Net MM'22 paper code CN_TongjiU & OPPO Research 20×1
3×5×20 (compressed LUT representation) - weights
E F2D-LUT paper code CN_TsinghuaU 3 2×332 (3D LUT decoupled to 2D LUTs) (3) R-G/R-B/G-B channel order
N AdaInt CVPR'22 paper code CN_SJTU & Alibaba Group 3×1 3×333 - weights & nodes learned non-uniform
N SepLUT ECCV'22 paper code 1 (no self-adaptibility) 3×93 or 3×173 directly 1D & 3D LUTs learned non-linear by 1D LUT
DualBLN ACCV'22 paper code CN_NorthwesternPolyU 5×1 3×363 LUT fusion map uniform
C 4D-LUT 23-TIP paper - CN_XianJiaotongU & Microsoft Research Asia 3×1 3×334 (33) context weights & context map
C & E AttentionLUT 24-ArXiv paper - CN_SJTU John Hopcroft Center no (donot relay on basic LUT for self-adaptibility) 9×15×33 (represented by Canonical Polyadic decomposition) - feature (to encode Q,K,V tensors)
E Photorealistic
Style Transfer
NLUT 23-arXiv paper code Sobey Digital Technology & Peng Cheng Lab 2048×1 3×32×32 (compressed LUT representation) - weights
C Video Low-light
IA-LUT MM'23 paper code CN_SJTU & Alibaba Damo Academy 3×1 3×334 (33) intensity weights & intensity map
No Underwater Imge Enhancement INAM-LUT 23-Sensors paper - CN_XidianU 3×1 3×33(?)3 - weights
C Tone-mapping LapLUT NeurIPS'23 paper - CN_HUST & DJI Innovation 3×1 3×333 - weight map (of each interpolated image)
Ours HDR/WCG Inverse
CVMP'23 paper see below CN_CUC & Peng Cheng Lab 3 3×173 (3) luminance probability
weights explicitly defined

In col. idea:

C stands for improving the expressiveness of LUT content (by new way to generate image-adaptive LUT or introducing new dimension);

E stands for making LUT further efficient (by special representation of LUT's elements);

N stands for setting non-uniform nodes (to optimize LUT's interpolation error on image with specific numerical distribution).

Note that:

We only listed AI-3D-LUTs for image-to-image low-level vision tasks, and below AI-LUTs are not included:

2. Our algorithm ITM-LUT

Our AI-3D-LUT alogorithm named ITM-LUT conduct inverse tone-mapping (ITM) from standard dynamic range (SDR) image/frame to its high dynamic range and wide color gamut (HDR/WCG) version.

2.1 Key features

2.2 Prerequisites

2.3 Usage (how to test)

First, install the CUDA&C++ implementation of trilinear interpolation with non-uniform vertices (need GCC/G++):

python3 ./ailut/ install

after that, you can get ailut package in your python.

Run with below configuration(s):

python3 frameName.jpg

When batch processing, use wildcard *:

python3 framesPath/*.png

or like:

python3 framesPath/footageName_*.png

Add below configuration(s) for specific propose:

Propose Configuration
Specifing output path -out resultDir/ (default is inputDir)
Resizing image before inference -resize True -height newH -width newW
Adding filename tag -tag yourTag
Forcing CPU processing -use_gpu False
Using input SDR with bit depth != 8 e.g. -in_bitdepth 16
Saving result HDR in other format
(defalut is uncompressed
16-bit .tifof single frame)
-out_format suffix
png as 16bit .png
exr require extra package openEXR

Change line 104 in to use other parameters/checkpoint:

2.4 Training code

First, download the training code from BaiduNetDisk(code:qgs2) or GoogleDrive. This package contain 5 essential real ITM LUTs used in our own LUT initialization, and other 13 real ITM LUTs (in both N=17/33/65) where you can use any of their combinations to try new LUT initialization.


cd ITMLUT_train/codes
python3 -opt options/test/test_Net.yml

2.5 Changelog

Date log
29 Feb 2024 Since most SoTAs are still trained and tested on HDRTV1K dataset, we add a checkpoint params_TV1K.pth trained on it, so result will get a similar look as SoTAs.
3 Mar 2024 Training code (along with 18 real ITM LUTs in N=17/33/65) is now released.


Guo Cheng (Andre Guo)