AndreasMadsen / my-setup

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clBLAS packages dir? #1

Open lzamparo opened 9 years ago

lzamparo commented 9 years ago


I arrived here via your message on the Theano users list. When I compiled clBLAS, I didn't get a packages directory below build, as you show on lines 80-83 of your mac python3 setup file.

cp -r package/* /usr/local/
cp -r package/lib64/* /usr/local/lib/

Is there any other configuration you made to the CMakeLists.txt to produce this?

AndreasMadsen commented 9 years ago

No I don't think so. It is likely a bug there have been introduced, you can try and look at the recent changes:

I tried running the code myself and it fails on the linking part:

Linking CXX executable ../staging/test-correctness
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_caxpy_", referenced from:

the comping and linking have to finish properly before the package directory is created. It can see you have opened an issue ( ), hopefully they can solve it.

lzamparo commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks Andreas.

aakansh9 commented 9 years ago

@lzamparo After setting CORR_TEST_WITH_ACML to OFF as concluded at did you get the package directory? I am still not getting it. I am on OS X 10.9.5.

AndreasMadsen commented 9 years ago

@aakansh9 did you try the PR:

aakansh9 commented 9 years ago

I did not try the exact PR but did turn off CORR_TEST_WITH_ACML in the command line. There was no error on make and make install but it didn't produce the directory.

lzamparo commented 9 years ago

@aakansh9 I didn't get the package directory. I think this is due to a reorganization in the clBLAS source, though a quick grep of the develop branch log showed nothing

mski1743:clBLAS zamparol$ git log -g --grep=packages
mski1743:clBLAS zamparol$
lzamparo commented 9 years ago

@aakansh9 I wouldn't worry about this, as long as it installed fine and you can run any tests that were built, you should be good to go. If not, open an issue with clBLAS I guess?

AndreasMadsen commented 9 years ago

Installing libgpuarray should tell you if clBLAS was installed correctly.

aakansh9 commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I understand the source has been reorganised. I proceeded to install libgpuarray (leaving out the patch in your code because it has already been committed in the source). After running cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && make && make install without any errors, I used 'make test' in the Build directory but it shows:

Running tests...
Test project /Users/gupta/libgpuarray/Build
No tests were found!!!

(I did install libcheck using brew)

EDIT: log of cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release shows:

-- checking for one of the modules 'check'
Tests disabled because Check was not found
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/gupta/libgpuarray/Build

How to point it to find 'check'?

AndreasMadsen commented 9 years ago

I would just proceed and see if theano works. I'm not sure if libgpuarray has its own tests.

I'm reopening this issue as a reminder to fix these issues. But I'm about to hand in my bachelor thesis, so it will be a while.

lzamparo commented 9 years ago

Good luck with your thesis!