AndreasMadsen / my-setup

Guides for myself and other, on how some of my stuff is configured.
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My Setup

Guides for myself and other, on how some of my stuff is configured.

Mac Terminal Setup

This is a guide for how to set up your terminal so it looks exactly like mine. The end result should be this: Terminal setup example

Mac – Python 3.5

Install script for python 3 on Mac OS X, for most scientific stuff.

Raspberry Pi 2 – Arch Linux

I bought some raspberry PIs as always running crawlers. This is my personal notes, on how I did it.

Latex Template

A template for LaTeX I have been continuously developing over a few years.

DTU HPC – Util

THE DTU HPC system have quite a lot of legacy. This script updates and install the useful stuff.

DTU HPC – Python 3.6

The Danish Technical University (DTU) have a supercomputer (see I use this quite extensively for heavy computation and for just having a platform that all my study friends and supervisors have access to. Unfortunately it is primarily for C and MatLab, so I have created an automated setup script for python.

DTU HPC – Python 2.7

Similar to DTU HPC – Python 3.6 but for python 2.7. I no longer maintain this and suggest you use python 3.6.