AndreasMadsen / my-setup

Guides for myself and other, on how some of my stuff is configured.
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HPC fix April 2016 #3

Closed AndreasMadsen closed 8 years ago

AndreasMadsen commented 8 years ago

Fixes: #2

AndreasMadsen commented 8 years ago

The theano documentation says that is is only necessary to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc.. But it also says that it will automatically detect cudnn support by looking in the CUDA_PATH it may be enough to force theano to use cudnn by using a .theanorc flag if the other environment are set correctly.

AndreasMadsen commented 8 years ago

There might be an issue with using k40_interactive, but the HPC queue is unstable at the moment so I can't really tell.

AndreasMadsen commented 8 years ago

Adding cuDNN support this was looks to be possible, however I got the following error:

RuntimeError: You enabled cuDNN, but we aren't able to use it: Version is too old. Update to v5, was 3007.

Note I had to add:

module load cudnn
export CPATH=/appl/cudnn/v3.0-prod/include:$CPATH

and this to ~/.theanorc

enabled = True