Andrew-McGee / foam

A Fomantic UI styled web music player frontend for Ampache. Designed to be minimal, tidy and usable.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 2 forks source link
ampache fomantic-ui howler music-player self-hosted web-player

foam = Fomantic & Ampache

foam is a web player frontend for Ampache using the Fomantic UI CSS framework. It is mostly PHP, JS, CSS and HTML and designed to be simple and portable.

The micro player is js and uses the howler audio library. The Ampache json API calls are made via PHP.

Core Features


You can test the foam interface using your own Ampache database by using the demo here:

Just point the host to your Ampache server and log in with your Ampache credentials.

Future Roadmap (after full stable release)


Kiosk Mode (current mode):

Advanced Mode:



Download the latest release and simply drop everything into your public html directory of your PHP enabled web server and away you go. No building should be necessary as it is designed to be self contained.

You need an Ampache server somewhere.

Some options (mainly theming) can be found in config/foam.conf.php which sets a few php variables.

Ampache authentication is stored in browser cookies. If "Remember me" is NOT selected cookies will expire after the current browser session. This is advisable on a public or borrowed computer - always close your browser when finished to destroy all session cookies.

If "Remember me" is selected cookies will live for 1 year. Use the logout option in settings to remove cookies and force login.

Note: If you change Ampache credentials so your current cookies no longer validate you will be asked to re-login. Note: You should NOT consider foam as highly secure. It is still in development.

Development Status - Early Beta

Status: 100% operational on desktop. Formatting improvements and bug fixing now underway in Phase 2.

Phase 1 (Complete):

Finished the core functionality including all major features for first stable release.

Phase 2 (Current):

Adjust styling to polish fonts, palette, element position, theme options and bug fixing.

Phase 3 (Started):

Code optimisation, clean up, minimisation, speed, etc.

Not Yet Working

Known Issues


Testing on Chrome (Windows and Linux) during initial development.

Acknowledgements & Dependencies


Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.