This source code seeks to replicate the (now removed) MNIST For ML Beginners tutorial from the Tensorflow website using plain C code.
The task is to recognise digits, such as the ones below, as accurately as possible.
The neural network implemented has one output layer and no hidden layers. Softmax activation is used, and this ensures that the output activations form a probability vector corresponding to each label. The cross entropy is used as a loss function.
The algorithm reaches an accuracy of around 92% over 1000 steps.
Step 0000 Average Loss: 4.36 Accuracy: 0.152
Step 0001 Average Loss: 3.42 Accuracy: 0.188
Step 0002 Average Loss: 2.97 Accuracy: 0.298
Step 0003 Average Loss: 2.53 Accuracy: 0.319
Step 0004 Average Loss: 2.19 Accuracy: 0.412
Step 0005 Average Loss: 2.08 Accuracy: 0.437
Step 0006 Average Loss: 1.73 Accuracy: 0.468
Step 0007 Average Loss: 1.51 Accuracy: 0.447
Step 0008 Average Loss: 1.57 Accuracy: 0.496
Step 0009 Average Loss: 1.45 Accuracy: 0.516
Step 0010 Average Loss: 1.78 Accuracy: 0.559