AndrewEllis93 / Ellis-SuperSlicer-Profiles

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Please read each section, especially anything marked with ":warning:". These are important warnings that may cause you issues if missed.

Important Notes

:warning: Required SuperSlicer version: :page_facing_up: (last update: 2022-11-07)

:warning: This profile's speeds/accels are tuned for linear rail CoreXY (specifically MY personal V2).


See my :page_facing_up:tuning guide too!

Originally this repo was set up to share my own profiles as-is, plastered with warnings of what to turn down. Over time, however, they have become more and more tailored for sharing and for the community at large.

SuperSlicer can be tricky. There are a few problematic "landmine" defaults. These profiles try to remove as many of those headaches as possible, to hopefully ease your transition. I have spent a lot of time experimenting with different settings to hopefully save others from having to repeat the same troubleshooting. The :pushpin:change log tells a story.

These profiles can work well on any printer, provided you adjust the speeds, accels, machine limits/dimensions, and volumetric flow limit accordingly. I actually use the same profiles on my Ender 3.

These profiles are constantly evolving. Please check the :pushpin:change log occasionally to grab the new settings/findings, so you don't have to reimport the entire profile.

You can find the bed models and textures I am using in :page_facing_up:here.

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Table of Contents


How to Download

1) Navigate to the .ini file.

2) Right click "Raw" and click "Save link as"

If you do not use the "Raw" button, you will get errors trying to import.

Alternatively, download the whole repository as .zip:

Select file -> import -> import config or press ctrl+L.

Select the .ini file of the profile you want to import.

Open each tab and click the floppy icon to save the profile. You may have to pick a new name. (you can type in the box that pops up!)

Start G-Code

If you are passing temperatures to your PRINT_START macro, make sure to uncomment/modify the start gcode appropriately.

See the :page_facing_up:"Passing Slicer Variables to PRINT_START" section of my tuning guide for more information.

Volumetric Speed Limiting

The profiles folder contains profiles with this set to 11, 15, 24, and 30mm3/sec. Choose the appropriate value for your specific hotend (see below).

If you set this too high for your hotend, you may have extruder skipping and/or filament grinding.

What is a Volumetric Speed Limit?

The volumetric speed limit controls the maximum rate that your hotend is allowed to extrude. No matter how much you push speeds, layer heights, or line widths, it will never allow you to outrun your hotend.

Even when not pushing for speeds, I highly recommend putting an appropriate value for your hotend. It's a great failsafe.

I keep my infill speed set to 300mm/s. This is the absolute max I want my infill to ever print - but in reality, it will usually print more slowly due to this limit. This essentially prints infill as fast as the hotend will allow, up to 300mm/s.

For more reading, formulas, and methods to test your own max flow rate, see :page_facing_up:Determining Max Volumetric Flow Rate.


These accelerations are tuned with my personal V2. As always, your results may vary.

Without Input Shaper

Choose a profile fom a "No Input Shaper" folder.

With Input Shaper

Choose a profile fom an "Input Shaper" folder.

Find the max recommended acceleration from the upper right area of your resonance graph.

If any of the profile's accelerations (excluding travel acceleration*) exceed your maximum, lower them down to that maximum value.

I would still personally recommend keeping low accelerations for things like perimeters. Your IS tune can drift over time with belt tensions. I've also had some bulging issues when pushing perimeter accelerations. Set it and forget it.

Extrusion Multiplier

:warning: The extrusion multiplier (EM) is tuned for my particular filament brand/batch. You will have to tune yours for your particular filament.

See :page_facing_up:here for tuning instructions.


This profile uses static fan speeds. The community has found that varying fan speeds, particularly with high-shrinkage materials, can cause layer inconsistencies.

:warning:Your optimal fan speed will vary based on your fan, material, layer times, and chamber temps.

My fans speeds may be too high for you, especially if your chamber is cooler than mine (~65C).

See my the :page_facing_up:"cooling and layer times" section of my tuning guide.

I use Stealthburner with a Sunon 5015 fan.

Nozzle Flats

:warning: My profiles use some aggressive line widths, which may not work well with some pointier nozzles.

You will only get good results if your nozzle flat is wide enough to support the requested line width. You can get a rough measurement of your nozzle flat with calipers.

This can cause thicker extrusion lines (like the infill) to curl up around the nozzle - and even occasionally cause gapping issues with the thinner perimeters, if it's pointy enough.

May cause issues.


"45 Degree" Profile vs Standard Profile

My primary profile is the "45 degree" profile. I orient the STLs to be at a 45 degree angle.



Manual seam placement will always have the best results. This method is a compromise to save myself a lot of manual work for plates with large numbers of parts.

Rotating Parts

SuperSlicer allows you to set auto rotation when importing models in your printer profile:

To manually rotate, press ctrl+a to select all objects. \ Type the rotation amount in "Z" the box at the bottom right:

The infill line widths are set to a high value in my profile (160%) to save some print time, and to help with infill layer adhesion strength.

This proportionally reduces the amount of lines to be printed. The overall coverage area is still 40%.

If you need greater top layer support, or are printing decorative / low infill parts, you may want to reduce this value for for greater line density.

40% Infill @ 180% Line Width

40% Infill @ 110% Line Width

Suggested Changes for PLA

These profiles should largely work as-is for PLA. You will just need to set up another filament profile.

There is only one actual print setting that may need changing.

Print Settings

Filament Profile

You can just duplicate the provided ABS profile and make these changes to it:

Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks

Changing PA Based on Nozzle Size

You can add the below code snippet to your filament's custom g-code section in order to have different PA values for different nozzle sizes. Wider nozzles need lower PA.

; Set pressure advance per-filament for different nozzle sizes
{if nozzle_diameter[0]==0.4}SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.0x
{elsif nozzle_diameter[0]==0.6}SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=0.0x

Macro syntax:

Part Spacing / Plating

Right click the "arrange" button to change part spacing.

Then click the arrange button (or press A), to automatically arrange everything.

Too close can introduce cooling issues. I tend to spread parts out when I can.

Advanced Bridging Over Holes (Sacrificial Bridges)

This section was contributed by :page_facing_up:akhamar. Thanks!

To avoid the need to add tapered screw holes over countersinks, you can instead use a setting in SuperSlicer that allows for bridging over holes.

It is not a magic bullet, and still need to be used on a case basis, but usually works on countersinks for screws.

SuperSlicer Option

The SuperSlicer option is called "No perimeters on bridge areas", located in the advanced section of "Perimeters and Shell".


Profile Change Log

Rather than having to re-import the profiles when updates are made, please check the change log occasionally to grab important settings changes / bug fixes.

Use ctrl + f in SuperSlicer to find these settings by their internal names below.