AndrewFromMelbourne / dmxwebcam

A webcam (v4l2) viewer for the Raspberry Pi console.
MIT License
21 stars 7 forks source link



dmxwebcam <options>

--daemon - start in the background as a daemon
--display <number> - Raspberry Pi display number (default 0)
--fps <fps> - set desired frames per second
--bestfit - choose width/height based on screen size
--fullscreen - show full screen
--pidfile <pidfile> - create and lock PID file (if being run as a daemon)
--sample <value> - only display every value frame)
--width <width> - set video width (default 640)
--height <height> - set video height (default 480)
--videodevice <device> - video device for webcam (default /dev/video0)
--help - print usage and exit


sudo apt-get install libbsd-dev libturbojpeg-dev
cd dmxwebcam
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


* Optimize MJPEG decoding
* Use MMAL for JPEG decode and conversion from YUYV to YUV420
* Add other pixel formats