AndrewHocking / DanceConnect

MIT License
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Step 1: Create a Python virtual environment

In the DanceConnect folder, run: python -m venv .venv

Step 2: Activate environment


source .venv/bin/activate



Step 3: Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Run the server


Alternate Setup within VSCODE

CKeditor Setup

Setting up the Editor UI

  1. Load the CKeditor script via CDN. The basic verison includes most features that we'd use (Bold, Italics, H1/H2/H3, Lists, Link/Imgs) <script src=""></script>
  2. Create a <textarea> or <div> in the HTML with a unique id.
  3. Configure the editor using JS (Replace editor-id with id of element from step 2):
    • items is the list of toolbar features that the user can use
    • removedItems are disabled
    • | is used to separate elements in the toolbar UI into groups
      ClassicEditor.create(document.getElementById(editor-id), {
      toolbar: {
      items: [
          'undo', 'redo',
          '|', 'heading',
          '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'link',
          '|', 'bulletedList', 'numberedList', 'outdent', 'indent',
      removeItems: ['uploadImage', 'blockQuote', 'mediaEmbed', 'insertTable'],

### Retrieving User Input
4. Get user input from the `<div>` or `<textarea>` as you normally would using. (Only tried with `<textarea>` so far).
5. Sanitize html input by importing the `sanitize_html` method from `\website\`.
    - Note: This basically whitelists a set of acceptable HTML elements and escapes everything else. It works for the config example in step 3, but if additional toolbar items are enabled, you would can pass a list of tags into `additional_tags` to enable them. Ex: `sanitize_html(html_input, ['img', 'br'])`
    - Note 2: Probably best to use as few tags as possible for better security.
6. To validate the input before it is submitted (e.g. making a field required):
    - Load JQuery Validation from CDN: `<script src=""></script>`
    - Configure the validator in JS:
    ignore: [],
    rules: {
        input1_name_attribute: { required: true },
        input2_name_attribute: { 
            required: true,
            minlength: 5,
    messages: {
        input1_name_attribute: "This field is mandatory",
        input2_name_attribute: { 
            required: "This field is mandatory.",
            minlength: "This field must have at least 5 characters.",
- `rules` specify how to validate the input
- `messages` are the error messages the user sees if validation on any field fails

Display HTML

  1. By default Jinja will display the raw HTML text if you use it as any other variable, instead add |safe to tell Jinja that this HTML code is safe to be rendered: {{ variable_containing_html|safe }}

Chat GPT Tutorials

Setup Pythonanywhere

Setting up a web app on PythonAnywhere using an existing GitHub project involves a series of steps. Here’s a general process to get your web app running:

1. Sign up or Log in to PythonAnywhere

Before you start, you need an account on PythonAnywhere. If you don’t have one, you can sign up at PythonAnywhere's website.

2. Create a New Web App

Once logged in:

3. Clone Your GitHub Repository

You can clone your repository directly into your PythonAnywhere account using the "Consoles" tab:

4. Set Up a Virtual Environment

It's a good practice to create a virtual environment for your project:

5. Install Dependencies

Install any dependencies your project might have using pip. If your project includes a requirements.txt file, you can install all dependencies with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

6. Configure the WSGI File

PythonAnywhere uses a WSGI file to serve your web app:

7. Reload Your Web App

After configuring your WSGI file:

8. Check Your Web App

Visit your domain to see if your app is running correctly. If there are issues, check the "Error log" in the "Web" tab for clues.

9. Debug and Iterate

You might need to return to the Bash console or the WSGI configuration and make adjustments based on the feedback from error logs or the behavior of your app.

This is a basic guide, and depending on the specific needs of your project or the framework you are using, some steps might differ. For instance, Django projects will need settings for static and media files, while Flask might be simpler but require specific app configurations.