AndrewL14 / Student-tracker-UI

Frontend portion of the Grader Web Application Ran in react (Currently only available in the dev mode)
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Future Request, response, and endpoint fomats #20

Open AndrewL14 opened 1 month ago

AndrewL14 commented 1 month ago


In a future update in [Grader API]() The following changes will be made.

  1. Update Of Assignment data storage.
  2. Update of Student data storage.
  3. Implementation of Student Login and logout services.

You can view the full description in the Grader API issues tab.

For now, the UI should update its response and request logic to incorporate the new changes.

new request endpoints

Note: student login uses the same teacher login request body format.

  "AssignmentList": [
      "subject": "string",
      "averageGrade": "number",
      "assignments": []

Teacher login request and response bodies are the same.

Student Login Response information

  method: POST
  path: /student/login
    type: EmailLoginRequest
      email: string
      password: string
    type: StudentLoginResponse
      name: string
      jwt: string
      refreshToken: string
    status: OK


All Assignment Request bodies should now contain an Integer period value in them.

AddStudentRequest Should now contain the teacher's subject


EditStudentRequest body should now contain an Integer period value in them.

  method: POST
  path: /student/delete
    type: DeleteStudentRequest
      period: integer
      studentId: integer
    Authentication: JWT token
  response: ""
  status: OK

Getting all students endpoint /teacher/all will return students in this format:

  "TeacherStudentList": {
    "publicStudentList": [
          "id": "integer",
          "name": "string",
          "assignments": {
            "subject": "string",
            "averageGrade": "number",
            "assignments": []
  "PublicStudentDTO": {
    "id": "integer",
    "name": "string",
    "assignments": {
      "subject": "string",
      "averageGrade": "number",
      "assignments": []

Changes made to endpoint bodies (requests/responses)

New response bodies.

Sample PrivateStudentDTO

  "PrivateStudentDTO": {
    "name": "string",
    "assignments": {
      "integer_key": {
        "id": 0,
        "subject": "string",
        "period": 0,
        "averageGrade": 0.0,
        "assignments": [
            "id": 0,
            "name": "string",
            "grade": 0.0,
            "completed": false,
            "overdue": false,
            "dueDate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
            "assignmentType": "string"
        "student": {
          "id": 0,
          "name": "string"


  "PublicStudentDTO": {
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "period": 0,
    "assignments": {
      "id": 0,
      "subject": "string",
      "period": 0,
      "averageGrade": 0.0,
      "assignments": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "grade": 0.0,
          "completed": false,
          "overdue": false,
          "dueDate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
          "assignmentType": "string",
          "assignmentList": {
            "id": 0,
            "subject": "string",
            "period": 0,
            "averageGrade": 0.0,
            "assignments": [],
            "student": {
              "id": 0,
              "name": "string"
      "student": {
        "id": 0,
        "name": "string"


Note the integer_key being the period number.

  "TeacherStudentList": {
    "students": {
      "integer_key": [
          "id": 0,
          "name": "string",
          "period": 0,
          "assignments": {
            "id": 0,
            "subject": "string",
            "period": 0,
            "averageGrade": 0.0,
            "assignments": [
                "id": 0,
                "name": "string",
                "grade": 0.0,
                "completed": false,
                "overdue": false,
                "dueDate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "assignmentType": "string",
                "assignmentList": {
                  "id": 0,
                  "subject": "string",
                  "period": 0,
                  "averageGrade": 0.0,
                  "assignments": [],
                  "student": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "name": "string"
            "student": {
              "id": 0,
              "name": "string"

Request body changes

Any Assignment request will now require an int period visit Assignment request for more information.

For AddStudent add a String subject value. EditStudent add an int period value. DeleteStudent now needs a request body containing the int period and Long studentId. visit Student Request for more information.

AndrewL14 commented 1 month ago

The AddStudentRequest should now also have a subject field.