AndrewL14 / Student-tracker-UI

Frontend portion of the Grader Web Application Ran in react (Currently only available in the dev mode)
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css frontend-web html javascript reactjs
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Grading UI For Teachers


This project is 1/2 of a student tracker Web Application, responsible for tracking and maintaining Student grades for teachers. This project is responsible for Frontend services using Javascript's React framework.



Thinking of contributing

  1. Fork the repository(
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
    1. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  3. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  4. Create a new Pull Request and wait for someone to submit a code review.


This application is a 2 part project, if you wish to test out functionality for dev purposes then you will need to fork Student-tracker-API and clone the repo, making sure to run both applications.

Currently, the UI has not been styled but the corresponding login, register, and dashboard pages have all been implemented. An effect of this is the buttons are together and are in black letters.


When running the API in dev mode: A pre-made user will automatically be uploaded to a h2 database Credentials for said user are as follows:

username: james
password: password

When running email verification and password reset

A dummy email has been set up to be used, with the email and will either send you a password reset token or an email verification token containing a string a characters to input back in the website.

running the UI application

to run simply go to your terminal and run npm start there website will automatically load up on port 3000.