AndrewWalker / Dubins-Curves

Path generation for the Dubin's car
MIT License
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============= Dubins-Curves


This software finds the shortest paths between configurations for the Dubins' car [Dubins51], the forward only car-like vehicle with a constrained turning radius. A good description of the equations and basic strategies for doing this are described in section 15.3.1 "Dubins Curves" <> of the book "Planning Algorithms" [LaValle06]_.

The approach used to find paths is based on the algebraic solutions published in [Shkel01]_. However, rather than using angular symmetries to improve performance, the simpler approach to test all possible solutions is used here.

|build_status| |coverage| |license|


The recommended approach is to add dubins.c and dubins.h to your project and compile with an appropriate build system.

The repository includes a basic cmake example that demonstrates how to build and test the library.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to generate intermediate points along the shortest path between a pair of configuration (x, y, theta).

.. code-block:: c

#include "dubins.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int printConfiguration(double q[3], double x, void* user_data) {
    printf("%f, %f, %f, %f\n", q[0], q[1], q[2], x);
    return 0;

int main()
    double q0[] = { 0,0,0 };
    double q1[] = { 4,4,3.142 };
    double turning_radius = 1.0;
    DubinsPath path;
    dubins_shortest_path( &path, q0, q1, turning_radius);
    dubins_path_sample_many( &path, 0.1, printConfiguration, NULL);
    return 0;

The following image shows some example paths, and the heading of the vehicle at each of the intermediate configurations.

.. image:: ./docs/images/samples.png

Other Version


If you would like to cite this library in a paper or presentation, the following is recommended:

.. code-block:: bibtex

  author = {Andrew Walker},
  title  = {Dubins-Curves: an open implementation of shortest paths for the forward only car},
  year   = {2008--},
  url    = ""


The Dubin's curves library was completed as one small part of [Walker11]_. New contributions or bug fixes are welcome.

Key contributors to the project include:


MIT License. See LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>_ for details.


.. [Dubins51] Dubins, L.E. (July 1957). "On Curves of Minimal Length with a Constraint on Average Curvature, and with Prescribed Initial and Terminal Positions and Tangents". American Journal of Mathematics 79 (3): 497–516 .. [LaValle06] LaValle, S. M. (2006). "Planning Algorithms". Cambridge University Press .. [Shkel01] Shkel, A. M. and Lumelsky, V. (2001). "Classification of the Dubins set". Robotics and Autonomous Systems 34 (2001) 179–202 .. [Walker11] Walker, A. (2011). "Hard Real-Time Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles", PhD thesis, Swinburne University. .. [Smart08] Royce, S. (2008). "Evolutionary Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles". PhD thesis, RMIT

.. |build_status| image:: :target: :alt: Current build status

.. |coverage| image:: :target: :alt: Code coverage shield

.. |license| image:: :target: :alt: license shield