AndrewZhou924 / Awesome-model-inversion-attack

A curated list of resources for model inversion attack (MIA).
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A curated list of resources for model inversion attack (MIA).

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What is the model inversion attack?

A model inversion attack is a privacy attack where the attacker is able to reconstruct the original samples that were used to train the synthetic model from the generated synthetic data set. (

The goal of model inversion attacks is to recreate training data or sensitive attributes. (Chen et al, 2021.)

In model inversion attacks, a malicious user attempts to recover the private dataset used to train a supervised neural network. A successful model inversion attack should generate realistic and diverse samples that accurately describe each of the classes in the private dataset. (Wang et al, 2021.)


Arxiv 2022 - A Comprehensive Survey on Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability. [paper]

Arxiv 2022 - Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Aspects, Methods and Trends. [paper]

Arxiv 2022 - A Survey of Trustworthy Graph Learning: Reliability, Explainability, and Privacy Protection. [paper]

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 2018. Algorithms that remember: model inversion attacks and data protection law. [paper]

(Rigaki and Garcia, 2020) A Survey of Privacy Attacks in Machine Learning [paper]

(De Cristofaro, 2020) An Overview of Privacy in Machine Learning [paper]

(Fan et al., 2020) Rethinking Privacy Preserving Deep Learning: How to Evaluate and Thwart Privacy Attacks [paper]

(Liu et al., 2021) Privacy and Security Issues in Deep Learning: A Survey [paper]

(Liu et al., 2021) ML-Doctor: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models [paper]

(Hu et al., 2021) Membership Inference Attacks on Machine Learning: A Survey [paper]

(Jegorova et al., 2021) Survey: Leakage and Privacy at Inference Time [paper]

(Joud et al., 2021) A Review of Confidentiality Threats Against Embedded Neural Network Models [paper]

(Wainakh et al., 2021) Federated Learning Attacks Revisited: A Critical Discussion of Gaps, Assumptions, and Evaluation Setups [paper]

(Oliynyk et al., 2022) I Know What You Trained Last Summer: A Survey on Stealing Machine Learning Models and Defences [paper]

(Dibbo, S.V., 2023) SoK: Model Inversion Attack Landscape: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Future Roadmap [paper]

Computer vision domain

Year Title Adversarial Knowledge Venue Paper Link Code Link
2014 Privacy in Pharmacogenetics: An End-to-End Case Study of Personalized Warfarin Dosing white-box (both) USENIX Security paper
2015 Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic Countermeasures white-box (both) CCS paper code1, code2, code3, code4
2015 Regression model fitting under differential privacy and model inversion attack white-box (defense) IJCAI paper code
2016 A Methodology for Formalizing Model-Inversion Attacks black & white-box CSF paper
2017 Machine Learning Models that Remember Too Much white-box CCS paper code
2017 Model inversion attacks for prediction systems: Without knowledge of non-sensitive attributes white-box PST paper
2018 Privacy Risk in Machine Learning: Analyzing the Connection to Overfitting white-box CSF paper
2019 An Attack-Based Evaluation Method for Differentially Private Learning Against Model Inversion Attack white-box arXiv Paper
2019 MLPrivacyGuard: Defeating Confidence Information based Model Inversion Attacks on Machine Learning Systems black-box (defense) GLSVLSI paper
2019 Model inversion attacks against collaborative inference black & white-box (collaborative inference) ACSAC Paper
2019 Neural Network Inversion in Adversarial Setting via Background Knowledge Alignment black-box CCS Paper Code -
2019 GAMIN: An Adversarial Approach to Black-Box Model Inversion black-box Arxiv Paper - -
2020 The Secret Revealer: Generative Model-Inversion Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks white-box CVPR Paper Code Video
2020 Overlearning Reveals Sensitive Attributes white-box ICLR Paper - -
2020 Deep Face Recognizer Privacy Attack: Model Inversion Initialization by a Deep Generative Adversarial Data Space Discriminator white-box APSIPA ASC Paper - -
2020 Updates-Leak: Data Set Inference and Reconstruction Attacks in Online Learning black-box USENIX Security Paper - -
2020 Attacking and Protecting Data Privacy in Edge-Cloud Collaborative Inference Systems black-box (collaborative inference) IoT-J Paper Code -
2020 Black-Box Face Recovery from Identity Features black-box ECCV Workshop Paper - -
2020 MixCon: Adjusting the Separability of Data Representations for Harder Data Recovery white-box arXiv Paper
2020 Privacy Preserving Facial Recognition Against Model Inversion Attacks white-box (defense) Globecom Paper - -
2020 Broadening Differential Privacy for Deep Learning Against Model Inversion Attacks white-box (defense) Big Data Paper - -
2020 Evaluation Indicator for Model Inversion Attack metric AdvML Paper
2021 Variational Model Inversion Attacks white-box NeurIPS Paper Code -
2021 Exploiting Explanations for Model Inversion Attacks white-box ICCV Paper -
2021 Knowledge-Enriched Distributional Model Inversion Attacks white-box ICCV Paper Code
2021 Improving Robustness to Model Inversion Attacks via Mutual Information Regularization white-box (defense) AAAI Paper -
2021 Practical Defences Against Model Inversion Attacks for Split Neural Networks black-box (defense, collaborative inference) ICLR workshop Paper Code
2021 Feature inference attack on model predictions in vertical federated learning white-box (VFL) ICDE Paper Code
2021 PRID: Model Inversion Privacy Attacks in Hyperdimensional Learning Systems black-box (both, collaborative inference) DAC Paper -
2021 Defending Against Model Inversion Attack by Adversarial Examples black-box (defense) CSR Workshops Paper -
2021 Practical Black Box Model Inversion Attacks Against Neural Nets black-box ECML PKDD Paper -
2021 Model Inversion Attack against a Face Recognition System in a Black-Box Setting black-box APSIPA Paper -
2022 Plug & Play Attacks: Towards Robust and Flexible Model Inversion Attacks white-box ICML Paper Code
2022 Label-Only Model Inversion Attacks via Boundary Repulsion black-box CVPR Paper Code
2022 ResSFL: A Resistance Transfer Framework for Defending Model Inversion Attack in Split Federated Learning white-box (defense, SFL) CVPR Paper Code
2022 Bilateral Dependency Optimization: Defending Against Model-inversion Attacks white-box (defense) KDD Paper Code
2022 ML-DOCTOR: Holistic Risk Assessment of Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models holistic risk assessment USENIX Security Paper Code
2022 Model Inversion Attack by Integration of Deep Generative Models: Privacy-Sensitive Face Generation From a Face Recognition System white-box TIFS Paper -
2022 One Parameter Defense—Defending Against Data Inference Attacks via Differential Privacy black-box (defense) TIFS Paper
2022 Reconstructing Training Data from Diverse ML Models by Ensemble Inversion white-box WACV Paper
2022 SecretGen: Privacy Recovery on Pre-trained Models via Distribution Discrimination white-box ECCV Paper
2022 UnSplit: Data-Oblivious Model Inversion, Model Stealing, and Label Inference Attacks Against Split Learning black-box (split learnig) WPES Paper code
2022 MIRROR: Model Inversion for Deep LearningNetwork with High Fidelity white-box NDSS Paper code
2022 Reconstructing Training Data with Informed Adversaries white-box SP Paper
2022 Privacy Vulnerability of Split Computing to Data-Free Model Inversion Attacks white-box BMVC Paper
2022 Reconstructing Training Data from Trained Neural Networks white-box NeurIPS Paper
2023 Sparse Black-Box Inversion Attack with Limited Information black-box ICASSP Paper code
2023 Breaching FedMD: Image Recovery via Paired-Logits Inversion Attack black-box CVPR Paper code
2023 Pseudo Label-Guided Model Inversion Attack via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network white-box AAAI Paper code
2023 C2FMI: Corse-to-Fine Black-box Model Inversion Attack black-box TDSC Paper
2023 Boosting Model Inversion Attacks with Adversarial Examples black-box TDSC Paper
2023 Reinforcement Learning-Based Black-Box Model Inversion Attacks black-box CVPR Paper code
2023 Re-thinking Model Inversion Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks white-box CVPR Paper code
2023 Purifier: Defending Data Inference Attacks via Transforming Confidence Scores black-box (defense) AAAI Paper - -
2023 Unstoppable Attack: Label-Only Model Inversion via Conditional Diffusion Model black-box CCS Paper - -

Graph learning domain

Year Title Adversarial Knowledge Venue Paper Link Code Link
2020 Stealing Links from Graph Neural Networks - USENIX Security Paper Code
2020 Improving Robustness to Model Inversion Attacks via Mutual Information Regularization black & white-box AAAI Paper
2020 Reducing Risk of Model Inversion Using Privacy-Guided Training black & white-box Arxiv Paper
2020 Quantifying Privacy Leakage in Graph Embedding - MobiQuitous Paper Code
2021 A Survey on Gradient Inversion: Attacks, Defenses and Future Directions white-box IJCAI Paper
2021 NetFense: Adversarial Defenses against Privacy Attacks on Neural Networks for Graph Data black-box ICDE Paper code
2021 DeepWalking Backwards: From Node Embeddings Back to Graphs - ICML Paper Code
2021 GraphMI: Extracting Private Graph Data from Graph Neural Networks white-box IJCAI Paper code
2021 Node-Level Membership Inference Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks - Arxiv Paper -
2022 A Comprehensive Survey on Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability black & white-box Arxiv Paper
2022 Learning Privacy-Preserving Graph Convolutional Network with Partially Observed Sensitive Attributes - WWW Paper -
2022 Inference Attacks Against Graph Neural Networks - USENIX Security Paper Code
2022 Model Stealing Attacks Against Inductive Graph Neural Networks - IEEE S&P Paper Code
2022 GAP: Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks with Aggregation Perturbation - Arxiv Paper -
2022 Degree-Preserving Randomized Response for Graph Neural Networks under Local Differential Privacy - Arxiv Paper -
2022 Private Graph Extraction via Feature Explanations - Arxiv Paper -
2022 Privacy and Transparency in Graph Machine Learning: A Unified Perspective - Arxiv Paper -
2022 Finding MNEMON: Reviving Memories of Node Embeddings - CCS Paper -
2022 Defense against membership inference attack in graph neural networks through graph perturbation - IJIS Paper -
2022 Model Inversion Attacks against Graph Neural Networks - TKDE Paper -
2023 On Strengthening and Defending Graph Reconstruction Attack with Markov Chain Approximation white-box ICML Paper Code
2023 Model Inversion Attacks on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks white-box SecureComm Paper -

Natural language processing domain

Year Title Adversarial Knowledge Venue Paper Link Code Link
2020 Extracting Training Data from Large Language Models black-box USENIX Security Paper code
2020 Privacy Risks of General-Purpose Language Models black & white-box S&P Paper
2020 Information Leakage in Embedding Models black & white-box CCS Paper
2021 TAG: Gradient Attack on Transformer-based Language Models white-box EMNLP Paper
2021 Dataset Reconstruction Attack against Language Models black-box CEUR workshop paper
2022 KART: Parameterization of Privacy Leakage Scenarios from Pre-trained Language Models black-box Arxiv paper code
2022 Text Revealer: Private Text Reconstruction via Model Inversion Attacks against Transformers white-box Arxiv Paper
2022 Canary Extraction in Natural Language Understanding Models white-box ACL paper
2022 Are Large Pre-Trained Language Models Leaking Your Personal Information? white-box NAACL paper code
2022 Recovering Private Text in Federated Learning of Language Models white-box NeurIPS paper code
2023 Sentence Embedding Leaks More Information than You Expect: Generative Embedding Inversion Attack to Recover the Whole Sentence black-box ACL paper code
2023 Deconstructing Classifiers: Towards A Data Reconstruction Attack Against Text Classification Models white-box Arxiv Paper
2023 Model Inversion Attack with Least Information and an In-depth Analysis of its Disparate Vulnerability black-box SaTML Paper -
2023 Text Embeddings Reveal (Almost) As Much As Text black-box EMNLP paper code
2024 Extracting Prompts by Inverting LLM Outputs black-box arXiv paper code)
2024 Do Membership Inference Attacks Work on Large Language Models? white-box Arxiv Paper
2024 Language Model Inversion black-box ICLR paper code


AIJack: Implementation of algorithms for AI security.

Privacy-Attacks-in-Machine-Learning: Membership Inference, Attribute Inference and Model Inversion attacks implemented using PyTorch.

ml-attack-framework: Universität des Saarlandes - Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2021 - Semester Project.

(Trail of Bits) PrivacyRaven [GitHub]

(TensorFlow) TensorFlow Privacy [GitHub]

(NUS Data Privacy and Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab) Machine Learning Privacy Meter [GitHub]

(IQT Labs/Lab 41) CypherCat (archive-only) [GitHub]

(IBM) Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) [GitHub]


2019 - Uncovering a model’s secrets. [blog1] [blog2]

2019 - Model Inversion Attacks Against Collaborative Inference. [slides]

2020 - Attacks against Machine Learning Privacy (Part 1): Model Inversion Attacks with the IBM-ART Framework. [blog]

2021 - ML and DP. [slides]

2022 - USENIX Synthetic Data – Anonymisation Groundhog Day [paper] [code]

2023 - arXiv A Linear Reconstruction Approach for Attribute Inference Attacks against Synthetic Data [paper] [code]

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