AndreyMrovol / LethalWeatherTweaks

Changes to weather system in Lethal Company.
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Working with experimental LLL version!

A few tweaks to the weather system.

Currently, vanilla weather system is completely random - it means that weather condition can exists for few days in a row, which makes it not very fun to play - this mod aims to fix that.

This mod fully fixes any weather desyncs happening in the game.

For more information check the wiki.

Supported versions

WeatherTweaks supports game versions v49 and v50. Works on vanilla, with LLL (1.1.6) and experimental LLL (1.2.0)

Experimental version

WeatherTweaks has a beta version branch that expands on the stable version with combined weather conditions, weathers changing during the day and many more! If you're willing to test it, please do so and report any issues you encounter in discord thread or Github issues.



Weather calculation operates based on weights defined in the config file.


This project is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.


This project uses LethalCompanyTemplate, licensed under MIT License.

This project uses ConsoleTables, licensed under MIT License.

This project uses Xilophor's LethalNetworkAPI.

Massive thanks to Electric131, Easyidle123, anon, Clark and whole TheMostLethalCompany Discord for their feedback, testing and support.

Thanks to everyone using my mod, reporting bugs and suggesting new features - without you I wouldn't be able to make this mod as good as it is now.