AndriianChestnykh / json-solidity

Storing and working with JSON objects in Solidity smart contracts
MIT License
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dapp ethereum smart-contracts solidity

Solidity JSON data storage

Note: React demo UI may not work at the moment !!!


This repository contains Solidity and JavaScript libraries which enables storage and processing of JSON-like data structures on chain. It can be used as universal data storage for many use cases.



Save JSON to Storage contract

const { jsonToEth, ethToJson } = require ('./utils');

const jsonData = JSON.stringify({
  someKey1: 'some value 1',
  someKey2: 'some value 2',
  someKey3: 'some value 3',

// data entry id
const id = '0x' + crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex');
// smart contract or account address, which is responsible for business logic for this entry
const address = '0x120f5E67e56dECfc3C635BAAbd99446167320152'; 

await storage.methods.set(id, ...jsonToEth(jsonData), address).send({ from: address });

Get JSON from Storage contract

const { jsonToEth, ethToJson } = require ('./utils');

const ethDataFromContract = await storage.methods.get(id).call();
const jsonDataFromContract = ethToJson(ethDataFromContract);

Add/update/delete key value inside Storage contract

const { jsonToEth, ethToJson } = require ('./utils');

// data entry id, which should exist in Storage contract
const id = '0x6af14e3c125e2528f0e0b6f554c408796a606f81b22f046ca7b8e6400156714b'
// smart contract or account address, which is responsible for business logic for this entry
const address = '0x120f5E67e56dECfc3C635BAAbd99446167320152'; 

let keyName = Web3.utils.stringToHex('keyName');
let keyValue = Web3.utils.stringToHex('key value');
await storage.methods.setByDataKey(id, keyName, keyValue).send({ from: address });

keyValue = Web3.utils.stringToHex('new key value');
await storage.methods.setByDataKey(id, keyName, keyValue).send({ from: address });

await storage.methods.removeByDataKey(id, keyName).send({ from: address });

Check example.js for more details
